Уленеков Олег Николаевич
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Исследовательская школа физики высокоэнергетических процессов, Профессор

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01 сентября 2024 / Sunday
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1 High-Resolution Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Vibrational Dynamics of Dideuteromethane (CH2D2) (ñêà÷àòü) J. Phys. Chem. A., v.113.- p.2218–2231 (2009) E.S.Bekhtereva, S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack
2 On the determination of the intramolecular potential energy surface of polyatomic molecules: Hydrogen sulfide and formaldehyde as an illustration J. Mol. Spectrosc., v.255.- p.88–100 (2009) E.S.Bekhtereva, C. Leroy, O.V. Gromova, A.L. Fomchenko
3 High resolution study of the 3v1 band of SO2 J. Mol. Spectrosc., v.255.- p.111–121 (2009) E.S.Bekhtereva, V.-M. Horneman, S. Alanko, O.V. Gromova
4 On the high resolution spectroscopy and intramolecular potential function of SO2 J. Mol. Spectrosc., v.257.- p.137–156 (2009) E.S.Bekhtereva, S. Alanko, V.-M. Horneman, O.V. Gromova, C. Leroy
5 On the local mode behaviour of the XH2/XD2 and XD/XH fragments with respect to the deuterated species of the near local mode XH3(C3v) molecule (ñêà÷àòü) Mol. Phys. v.107, ¹14 p.1409–1416 (2009) E.S.Bekhtereva, C. Leroy

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