Уленеков Олег Николаевич
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Исследовательская школа физики высокоэнергетических процессов, Профессор

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1 High-Resolution Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Vibrational Dynamics of Dideuteromethane (CH2D2) (ñêà÷àòü) J. Phys. Chem. A., v.113.- p.2218–2231 (2009) E.S.Bekhtereva, S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack
2 On the determination of the intramolecular potential energy surface of polyatomic molecules: Hydrogen sulfide and formaldehyde as an illustration J. Mol. Spectrosc., v.255.- p.88–100 (2009) E.S.Bekhtereva, C. Leroy, O.V. Gromova, A.L. Fomchenko
3 High resolution study of the 3v1 band of SO2 J. Mol. Spectrosc., v.255.- p.111–121 (2009) E.S.Bekhtereva, V.-M. Horneman, S. Alanko, O.V. Gromova
4 On the high resolution spectroscopy and intramolecular potential function of SO2 J. Mol. Spectrosc., v.257.- p.137–156 (2009) E.S.Bekhtereva, S. Alanko, V.-M. Horneman, O.V. Gromova, C. Leroy
5 On the local mode behaviour of the XH2/XD2 and XD/XH fragments with respect to the deuterated species of the near local mode XH3(C3v) molecule (ñêà÷àòü) Mol. Phys. v.107, ¹14 p.1409–1416 (2009) E.S.Bekhtereva, C. Leroy

Список публикаций

Количество записей: 169

  1. Анализ спектров высокого разрешения полос 2v1 , v 1 + v 3 И 2v 3 молекулы 32S16O18O = Analysis of high-resolution spectra of the bands 2v1 , v 1 + v 3 and 2v 3 of the 32S16O18O molecule / Ян Иншу ; науч. рук. О. Н. Уленеков, О. В. Громова // Перспективы развития фундаментальных наук : сборник научных трудов XIV Международной конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, г. Томск, 25-28 апреля 2017 г. / Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (ТПУ) ; под ред. И. А. Курзиной, Г. А. Вороновой. — 2017. — Т. 1 : Физика. — [С. 462-464]. — URL:

  2. High resolution study of the rotational structure of doubly excited vibrational states of [32]S[16]O[18]O: The first analysis of the 2ν1, ν1+ν3, and 2ν3 bands / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2017. — Vol. 189. — [P. 344–350]. — URL:

  3. Ethylene-1-13C (13C12CH4): First analysis of the v2, v3 and 2v10 bands and re-analysis ot the v12 band and of the ground vibrational state / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2017. — Vol. 187. — [P. 403–413]. — URL:

  4. First study of the ro-vibrational structure of the g-symmetry vibrational states of C2D4 from the analysis of hot bands: The v7+v10-v10 and v10+v12-v10 bands / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2017. — Vol. 187. — [P. 178–189]. — URL:

  5. Study of highly excited ro-vibrational states of S18O2 from “hot” transitions: The bands ν1þν2þν3ν2, 2ν1þν2ν2, and 2ν2þν3ν2 O / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2017. — Vol. 196. — [P. 159-164]. — URL:

  6. Rotational analysis of the inversion-vibration spectrum of 15NH2D: A set of interacting states ν5/ν6/2ν2 / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2017. — Vol. 202. — [P. 210-219]. — URL:

  7. High resolution study of strongly interacting ν3(F2)/ν1(A1) bands of MSiH4 (M=28,29,30) / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2017. — Vol. 201. — [P. 35-44]. — URL:

  8. First rotational analysis of the (111) and (021) vibrational state of S16O18O from the “hot” ν1+ν2+ν3−ν2 and 2ν2+ν3−ν2bands / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2017. — Vol. 202. — [P. 98-103]. — URL:

  9. First high resolution analysis of the 3ν2 and 3ν2−ν2 bands of 32S16O2 / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2017. — Vol. 202. — [P. 1-5]. — URL:

  10. High resolution study of MSiH4 (M=28, 29, 30) in the Dyad Region: Analysis of line positions, intensities and half-widths / O. N. Ulenekov (Ulenikov) [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2017. — Vol. 203. — [P. 496-510]. — URL:

  11. High resolution FTIR spectroscopy of sulfur dioxide in the 1550-1950 cm−1 region: First analysis of the ν1+ν2/ν2+ν3 bands of 32S16O18O and experimental line intensities of ro-vibrational transitions in the ν1+ν2/ν2+ν3 bands of 32S16O2, 34S16O2, 32S18O2 and 32S16O18O / O. N. Ulenekov (Ulenikov) [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2017. — Vol. 203. — [P. 377-391]. — URL:

  12. Application of the operator perturbation and isotopic substitutiontheories to the sulfur dioxide dipole moment analysis / A. G. Zyatkova (Ziatkova) [et al.] // (Poster Session 7). — URL:

  13. Study of the high resolution spectrum of 32S16O18O: The ν1and ν3 bands / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2016. — Vol. 168. — [P. 29-39]. — URL:

  14. High resolution FTIR study of 34S16O2: The bands 2ν1, ν1+ν3,ν1+ν2+ν3−ν2 and ν1+ν2+ν3 / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2016. — Vol. 169. — [P. 49-57]. — URL:

  15. Re-analysis of the high resolution FTIR spectrum of C2H2D2-cis in the region of 1280-1400 cm-1 / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2016. — Vol. 170. — [P. 69-82]. — URL:

  16. First high resolution analysis of the 3v1 band of 34S16O2 / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy : Scientific Journal. — 2016. — Vol. 319. — [P. 50–54]. — URL:

  17. High resolution FTIR study of 34S16O2: Re-analysis of the bands ν1+ν2, ν2+ν3, and first analysis of the hot band2ν2+ν3-ν2 / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy : Scientific Journal. — 2016. — Vol. 319. — [P. 17-25]. — URL:

  18. Study of resonance interactions in polyatomic molecules on the basis of highly accurate experimental data: Set of strongly interacting Bands ν10(B1), ν7(B2), ν4(A2), ν8(B2),ν3(A1) and ν6(B1) of CH2=CD2 / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2016. — Vol. 180. — [P. 14–28]. — URL:

  19. First high resolution analysis of the ν1+ν2 and ν2+ν3 bands of S18O2 / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2016. — Vol. 179. — [P. 187-197]. — URL:

  20. High resolution analysis of C2D4 in the region of 600–1150 cm-1 / O. N. Ulenikov [et al.] // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. — 2016. — Vol. 182. — [P. 55-70]. — URL:

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