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«Core enterprises - engines of regional innovation economy»;

  • Trifonov VA, Danilov NN The method of price differentiation in the conditions of imperfect competition. [Txt]. - Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice, 2011 - №36;
  • Trifonov VA, F. VO Management of formation and development of industrial-innovative complexes based clustering mechanisms (for example, single-industry towns of Kuzbass). [Txt]. - Steller Financial School, 2012 - №3;
  • VA Trifonov, AV Maslov Technique of training specialists of enterprises management innovation in terms of "price-quality" as an example of mining equipment. Integration of science, vocational education and production: proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Separate volume Mining informational and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal) MininginformationaandAnalyticaBulletin (scientificandtechnicaljournal). - M .: Publishing House "Mountain Book." - 2012. - №OV4;
  • Trifonov VA, F. VO Formation of the organizational structure of industrial and innovation clusters: factors and principles of their formation (for example monopromyshlennogog.Yurga). [Txt]. - Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, 2012 - №4;
  • Trifonov VA, VO F., F. T. Modern fiscal policy in the formation of budget revenues monoindustrial city // Finances and Credit, 2013. - №20;
  • Trifonov VA Factors and principles of industrial and innovation clusters // Bulletin of the Kemerovo State University, 2013. - №1;
  • Trifonov VA, VA Shabashev As Russia's WTO membership will change the economy // EuropeanSocialScienceJournal, 2013. - №3;
  • VA Trifonov, AV Anuchin Creating innovative products of Mining (for example, comparison of traditional and innovative products LLC "Yurga Machine Building Plant": Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference. Fascicule Mining informational and analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal) MininginformationaandAnalyticaBulletin (scientificandtechnicaljournal). - M .: Publishing House "mountain book. "- 2012. - №OV7.
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