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The main academic interests are modeling of heat transfer, the creation of complex simulation models of buildings and structures, and the creation of a software synthesis of adaptive control systems.
The purpose of research - development of building control systems using specialized algorithms to achieve energy conservation and efficiency indicators stipulated in the Federal Law № 261 "On energy saving and energy efficiency improvements and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation." The conclusions on the cycle of studies will improve the energy efficiency of the functioning of life support systems, promoting energy and resource saving.
The scientific research is reflected in a number of publications, including abroad.
He is the author and co-author of 25 publications, including 6 articles from the list of highest attestation commission ("Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University", "Energetic", "Chief Energy", "Industrial Energy", "Scientific and technical statements St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University").
Morozov M.N. repeatedly reported on the results of work performed at numerous conferences: XIII Scientific and Technical Conference of Youth of Transneft », VI scientific - practical conference of young scientists and specialists of Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk" Modern gas transportation industry: prospects, problems and solutions », III University Conference students Elite technical education "resource-efficient technologies - the energy and enthusiasm of the young", the XVIII All-Russian scientific-practical conference "energy: efficiency, reliability, security," the XX-th anniversary International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Modern engineering and technologies" STT- 2014 " Ninth international scientific-technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Energy 2014", "the XIX All-Russia scientific-technical conference" Energy: efficiency, reliability, security, "National Congress on Energy SCE 2014, III Interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference of young scientists and experts in the field of designing of mining and metallurgical complex, energy and resource saving and environmental protection. Reports marked with diplomas and certificates, abstracts published in conference proceedings. Research carried out with the financial support of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science: 2.1321.2014 state contracts, and subsidies TPU: VIU_ENIN_94_2014.