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Education Maxim N. Morozov born in 1991. In 2008 he graduated from high school № 26 of Zhezkazgan (Republic of Kazakhstan).
In 2008, he was enrolled at the end of the Olympiad for the first year of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. During the period of study Morozov M.N. had only excellent marks.
Along with teaching full-time Morozov M.N. received training under the program "Elite Technical Education" with in-depth fundamental teaching in which successfully mastered the interdisciplinary competences in the field of innovation, as well as the skills of project management and team work, learned to solve scientific and technological problems of innovative development, passed a number of psychological trainings aimed at developing leadership qualities.
In 2013 he graduated from the Engineering Institute of Tomsk Polytechnic University in the specialty "Automation of technological processes and production (in heat power engineering)."
After graduation Morozov M.N. was enrolled in the graduate school of Tomsk Polytechnic University in the specialty "Industrial thermal power system", put in the entrance examinations as "excellent". Under the direction of professor of thermal power processes automation Department of Energy Institute, Tomsk Polytechnic University Pavel A. Strizhak actively works on a Candidate dissertation "Multiple loop adaptive control system of thermal conditions of office buildings".
Academic activity While studying at the university in 2012 Morozov M.N. received an invention patent.
From 2012 to the present time engaged in research activities in the field of automated control systems, aimed at achieving energy savings and energy efficiency, as well as computer modeling of thermal processes and life-support systems of buildings and structures for various purposes. In April 2012, he was obtained the diploma of 1-st degree at the International scientific and technical seminar for the report on the parametric synthesis filtering software for the automated control systems.
From 2012 to 2013 Morozov M.N. carried out a series of research papers on the subject of "Automated information and measuring the electric power monitoring and accounting system for the grid companies' results are presented at conferences at various levels. Reports marked with diplomas and certificates, abstracts published in conference proceedings. In 2012, the work was awarded the diploma of the All-Russian contest "Russian National Committee of the high voltage of the International Council on Large Electric Systems".
It is important to note his participation in important projects of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Since 2012, he was the executor of economic agreements № 2-454 / 12U "Development of district heating schemes of Tomsk" dated 14 September 2012, the project of the Russian Science Foundation № 14-39-00003 «Development of fundamentals of resource-efficient and safe extinguishing large forest technology fires distributed in space and time flow of water droplets polydisperse composition with the use of aircraft ", as well as the project" Creation of a single center of control and management (pilot project of an integrated energy supply system by the example of the 4th school TPU case), "made in the framework of the energy passport registration № 017-018-017. The results are published in the Proceedings of the International Conference.
From 2013 to 2014 Morozov M.N. carried out a series of research papers on the subject of "Simulation of adaptive functioning of the multi-loop control system of heat consumption of buildings." Research carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (state contract 2.1321.2014) and subsidies TPU (VIU_ENIN_94_2014). Key provisions of the works presented at the scientific and technical activities at various levels. Reports marked with diplomas and certificates, work published in the conference proceedings.
In 2015, he won the competition UMNIK of Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere, the theme - "Development of research m integrated energy model for a new generation of sparsely populated Arctic class facilities".
Since 2016 Morozov M.N. is director of project "Development of scientific and technical bases for the study of the influence of disturbing factors on the thermal regime of the premises and assess the energy consumption characteristics of buildings and structures using multiphysics acausal modeling concepts" by the Russian Federal Property Fund Grant.
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