Терре Дина Анатольевна
Кандидат филологических наук

Отделение иностранных языков, Доцент

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27 июля 2024 / Saturday / Неделя четная
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2002 – Cambridge examination of language proficiency FCE certificate (grade A)

2003 – 2006 Postgraduate training program at Tver State University PhD degree in Philology, 10.02.19. – linguistic theory

2009 – Continuing Education Training at TPU “Competence approach in educational training program development» Participation Certificate

2011 – TPU competition for course books recommended for higher educational institutions by Ministry of Education of Russian Federation Second Place Diploma

2012 – Tomsk Oblast Reward Competition in Education, Science, Health Care and Culture: Humanities Division, Nomination №1 “Research and Academic staff Reward»

2013 – National competition of research papers published in 2012 among academic faculty members of educational institutions and research staff of research institutions. National Education Development Fund. Humanities Division. Sochi, 2013. Gutareva N.Yu, Matveenko I.A, Terre D.A. Fundamental spheres of the Earth. –Tomsk: TPU Publishing House, 2012. First Place Diploma

2013 – Workshop «IELTS – examination task and assessment criteria analysisа», held by Pearson Publishing House. Participation certificate

2014 – Workshop «Smart Seminar», held by Canadian College of English language and Star Travel. Participation certificate

2014 – TPU innovation technology competition for academic staff “Aspects of Pedagogical Excellence” Participation certificate

2014 – English Language Teacher training at International Language School «St Giles» Certificate

2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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