Терре Дина Анатольевна
Кандидат филологических наук

Отделение иностранных языков, Доцент

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Dina Terre was born on 28 of April 1980. In 1997 finished Tomsk State Pedagogical University lyceum and entered the faculty of Foreign languages at TSPU from which she graduated in 2001 with diploma (honours) being qualified as linguist/ teacher majoring in “Linguistics and cross-cultural communication”

In November, 2003 she entered postgraduate training program at Tver State University and successfully defended PhD thesis “Utterances with modal lexemes необходимо, нужно, должен / must, ought to, have to”.

Since September, 2001 she has been working at Tomsk Polytechnic University as a teacher of English Language. Since August 2008 she has been an associate professor of Department of Foreign Languages for Specialists in Petroleum Engineering and since 2010 an associate professor of Department of Foreign Languages for Specialists in Natural Resources. She trains students and postgraduates , develops ESP textbooks and manuals. The research areas comprise “Linguistic semantics” and “Linguistic theory”. There are a number of publications within the scope of these areas.

At present she is in charge of student research activity at the department and a member of organizing committee of International Scientific Symposium in honour of Academician M.A. Usov held at Institute of Natural Resources.

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