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27 сентября 2024 / Friday / Неделя четная
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Список публикаций

Количество записей: 4

  1. Akhmetshin, M. R. Gas Emissions in the Combustion of Slurry Fuels Containing Petroleum Waste / M. R. Akhmetshin, G. S. Nyashina, V. V. Medvedev // Coke and Chemistry. — 2021. — Vol. 64, iss. 4. — [P. 169-175]. — URL:

  2. Relative Environmental, Economic, and Energy Performance Indicators of Fuel Compositions with Biomass / D. O. Glushkov, G. S. Nyashina, V. V. Medvedev, K. Yu. Vershinina // Applied Sciences. — 2020. — Vol. 10, iss. 6. — [2092, 17 p.]. — URL:

  3. Ash Composition in the Combustion of Promising Slurry Fuels / G. S. Nyashina, M. A. Kurgankina, M. R. Akhmetshin, V. V. Medvedev // Coke and Chemistry. — 2020. — Vol. 63, iss. 3. — [P. 149-158]. — URL:

  4. Experimental Evaluation the Effectiveness of Water Mist Fire Extinguishing Systems at Oil and Gas Industry / G. S. Nyashina [et al.] // European Physical Journal Web of Conferences (EPJ Web of Conferences). — 2016. — Vol. 110 : Thermophysical Basis of Energy Technologies. — [01047, 4 p.]. — URL:

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