Сухих Леонид Григорьевич
Доктор физико-математических наук

Ректорат, Исполняющий обязанности ректора

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The field of scientific interests includes the generation of polarization radiation during interaction of the electromagnetic field of charged particles with a condensed matter and the practical use of this radiation. Such radiation is often called polarization radiation, since it is emitted by polarized atoms of matter. Polarization radiation is usually called transitional radiation if a charged particle crosses the interface of two optical media, for example, it travels from vacuum to a certain target. If a charged particle does not directly cross the target, and "touches" it only with its field, then the radiation is called diffraction one. When a charged particle moves along a periodic optical inhomogeneity, for example, a grating, a kind of polarization radiation, called Smith-Parsell radiation, is generated.

In the sphere of scientific interests is research and development of new methods for the practical use of these types of radiation. Based on the transition radiation in the spectral range of visible light and vacuum ultraviolet, the basics and approaches to the development of diagnostic stations for the transverse profile of an electron beam with submicron spatial resolution are developed. Based on the Smith-Parsell coherent radiation, the possibility of creating a new type of free-electron lasers in the THz frequency region is investigated. These works are conducted jointly with colleagues from the Deutschen Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY, Hamburg, Germany) and the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization KEK (Tsukuba, Japan)