Стрелкова Ирина Леонидовна
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение материаловедения, Доцент
Лаборатория лазерной вибродиагностики материалов, Научный сотрудник

Тел.: 8 (3822) 70-63-35
Вн. телефон: 2664
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25 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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The discipline "Materials Science and construction materials technology" is intended to teach students of the Energy Institute by direction 131000 "Oil and gas business" The total complexity - 108 hours. Discipline includes 32 hours of lectures, 32 hours of labs, 44 hours of independent work of students. The reporting form - . The purpose of discipline is formation in students competencies, aimed to complex engineering problems solving. Area of competence: to apply knowledge of the design and classification of construction materials for the solution of problems of calculation and analysis of electrical equipment and facilities; to develop requirements for mechanical and functional properties of individual elements of constructional application of electrical devices and facilities; to be able to plan and carry out the necessary experimental investigations related to the definition of the status of electrical equipment and power systems and electronics. The discipline includes the following sections: Classification of structural materials; assessment of the materials structural properties; structure of metal alloys; types of diagrams of state of two-component systems; classification and application of steel and cast iron; non-ferrous alloys; non-metallic materials; composite materials; iron and steel production; metal forming; foundry; creating permanent joints; metal machining; thermal processing of metal alloys; rational choice of material and manufacturing process. Mastering the material is fixed by laboratory work on the above listed sections.