Якимов Евгений Валерьевич
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение контроля и диагностики, Доцент

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23 февраля 2025 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Educational program of the discipline "Digital Signal Processing" is designed for study specialty 12.04.01 «Instrument making » for the Institute of Non-Destructive Testing.
The program states purposes and tasks of discipline, short contents its theoretical (lectures) and practical (laboratory and practical classes) sections, subject of tasks for independent studying and brought materials for current and total student’s rating on discipline.
Program includes a knowledge systematization of various sections of mathematics, electrical engineering and electronics required for successful studying of discipline, study and practical usage of main methods of mathematical signal analysis, ways of signal transformation in measuring devices.
There are considered a digital filtration, sampling and quantization of analog signals, a discrete Fourier transformation and its applications.
DSP_2015_Work Programm
DSP_Textbook. 2011
DSP_Laboratory works
2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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