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Юргинский технологический институт (филиал) ТПУ, Доцент

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  1. Belomestnykh V.N., Tesleva E.P., Soboleva E.G. Maximum Gruneisen constants for polymorph transformations in crystals //Technical Physics Letters, 2008. -Vol. 34 -№ 10 -p. 867–869.
  2. Belomestnykh V.N., Tesleva E.P., Soboleva E.G. Maximal Gruneisen Parameter at Polymorphic Transformations in Crystals //Technical Physics, 2009. -Vol. 54 -№ 2 -p. 320–322.
  3. Belomestnykh V.N., Soboleva E.G. Auxetic Number Two: Pros and Cons //Abstract Book: 5th International Conference on Physics of Disordered Systems PDS10 - Gdansk Sobieszewo, Poland, May 23-27 2010. - Gdansk Sobieszewo, Poland: [s.n.], 2010. - p. 181.
  4. Belomestnykh V.N., Soboleva E.G. Poissons ratios of the cubic ion crystals // Joint Conferences on Advanced Materials: FNMA2011, IMIM2011, AUXETICS2011, Szczecin, 6-9 September 2011. - Gdansk: Gdansk University of Technology, 2011 - p. 97-99.
  5. Belomestnykh V.N., Soboleva E.G. Acoustic analogs of elasticity theory ratios for determining anisotropic Poisson ratios of cubic monocrystals // 7th International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST - 2012): Proceedings: in 2 vol., Tomsk, September 18-21, 2012. - Tomsk: TPU Press, 2012 - Vol. 1 - p. 499-502.
  6. Belomestnykh V.N., Soboleva E.G. Poisson’s ratios of Cu2O crystal under temperature changes // 9th Conference on Functional and Nanostructured Materials: abstract book, Athens, September 23-27, 2012. - Gdansk: Task publishing, 2012 - p. 16-17.
  7. Belomestnykh V.N., Soboleva E.G. Acoustic variant of parameters for anisotropic Poisson's ratios in cubic crystals // The 10th Conference on Functional and Nanostructured Materials: abstract book, Gdansk, September 8-12, 2013. - Gdansk: Gdansk University of Technology, 2013 - p. 19-22.
  8. Belomestnykh V.N., Soboleva E.G. Behavior of Poisson's ratio in the crystal Cu2O// Applied Mechanics and Materials. - 2014 - Vol. 682. - p. 170-173.
  9. Soboleva E.G., Igisheva A.L. Anomalous behavior in sodium chlorate near the temperature of 250 K // Canadian Journal of Science, Education and Culture. - 2014 - №. 2(6). - p. 517-521.
  10. Soboleva E. G. , Igisheva A. L. , Krit T. B. Elastic properties of solid solutions with intermediate valence Sm1-xYxS // Applied Mechanics and Materials. - 2015 - Vol. 770. - p. 137-143.
  11. Soboleva E. G. , Litvinenko V. V. , Krit T. B. Effect in GaAs produced by fast neutrons and protons // 2015 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON) : proceedings, Omsk, May 21-23, 2015. - Новосибирск: IEEE Russia Siberia Section, 2015 - p. 1-4.
  12. Soboleva E. G. , Igisheva A. L. , Krit T. B. Reduction of longitudinal ultrasonic oscillations in NaClO3 crystals // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. - 2015 - Vol. 91, Article number 012032. - p. 1-7.
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