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Special electrical machines (design and development); Simulation of electromechanical systems and devices; Professional foreign language teaching methodology; New education computer technology. List of Papers 1. Electrical Devices: textbook (English language) / Sipaylova. – Tomsk, TPU, 2001. – 128 pages. 2. The English-Russian dictionary for students of electrotechnical specialties / Sipaylova N. Yu., Royz Sh. S., Maletina L.V., etc. / Under the editorship of N. Yu. Sipaylova. – Tomsk, TPU, 2004. – 152 pages. 3. Training in work from Dictionary: manual / Sipaylov N.Yu., Maletina L.V. – Tomsk, TPU, 2006. – 51 pages. 4. An educational and methodical materials on discipline "A professional foreign language": methodical manual / Sipaylov of N.YU., Maletina L.V., Royz Sh. S. – Tomsk, TPU, 2007. – 112 pages. 5. Professional English for students of ELTI. Workbook: manual [An electronic resource] / Maletina L.V., Sipaylova N. Yu. - Tomsk: Prod. TPU, 2009. (Access mode: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext2/m/2009/m75.pdf) (9784192). 6. Professional English for students of ELTI: textbook [An electronic resource] / Maletina L.V., Sipaylova N. Yu. - Tomsk: Prod. TPU, 2009. (Access mode: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext2/m/2009/m76.pdf) (94364757). 7. Professional English for students of ELTI. The book for the teacher: manual [An electronic resource] / Maletina L.V., Sipaylova N. Yu. - Tomsk: Prod. TPU, 2009. (Access mode: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext2/m/2009/m74.pdf) (1840043). 8. Training in a professional foreign language: methodical recommendations on realization of a variable component of Program / Maletin L.V., Petrovsky T.S., Sipaylova N. Yu. – Tomsk: Prod. TPU, 2010. – 41 pages. 9. Electrical devices: manual / N. Yu. Sipaylova, R. Ja. Klyin, E.P. Bogdanov. – Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk polytechnical university, 2012. – 88 pages. 10. Electrical and electronic devices: textbook / N. Yu. Sipaylova; Tomsk polytechnical university. – Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk polytechnical university, 2014. – 236 pages. 11. Electrical devices design problems: textbook / N. Yu. Sipaylova. – Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk polytechnical university, 2014. – 155 pages.