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Curriculum vitae Name: Sipaylova Nadejda Yurievna Nationality: Russian Marital status: Married Dependants: Two sons Telephone: (3882)-56-34-53 E-mail: snu2002@mail.ru Education: 2004 Language training course (English) at University College Dublin Applied Language Centre. 2000 Language training course (English) at Tomsk Polytechnic University. 1996 Computer training course at Tomsk Polytechnic University. 1991 Ph.D. (candidate of technical science). 1979 Electromechanical Faculty at Tomsk Polytechnic University, MS. Work: 1996-present: an associate professor at Tomsk Polytechnic University. 1993-1996: a teacher. 1990-1993: an engineer of computer center. 1984-1990: a researcher. 1979-1984: an engineer of Department "Electrical machines and devices". Research: special electrical machines (design and development), simulation of electromechanical systems and new education computer technology. Publications: 60 scientific and educational publications.