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Nuclear power plants technological variables control methods.

1) Subject learning purposes.
As a result of subject learning the student will gain knowledge and skills stated in "Electronics and automation of physical plants" educational program.

The purpose of this course is preparing the student for research work and creative innovative activity in the field of algorithm and software development for control systems at highly technological atomic industry, associated with selection of proper research methods, development and modification of existing research methods; acquisition of basic knowledge in development and use of methods and modern technical means of measurement and diagnostics of technological parameters of nuclear power plants.

2) Subject relation to main educational program.
"Nuclear power plants technological variables control methods" is one of the base subjects for specialty 140801 "Electronics and automation of physical plants".
Subject is based on material of previosly introduced to physical-technical institute students subjects such as:
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Metrology and measurement results processing
- Electronics and microelectronics
- Nuclear physics. Physical plants.

Acquisition of subject "Nuclear power plants technological variables control methods" is a prerequisite for the following subjects:
- Automated control systems and their use in atomic industry.
- Nuclear reactors.
- Technological variables control methods in nuclear fuel cycle enterprises.

3) Subject acquisition results.
As a result of subject acquisition the student will:
- signal converter types; the principle of their action; advantages and disadvantages; application area.
- Principles of digital and intelligent sensors; their merits and shortcomings; application area.
- Methods of data transfer from sensors to computers using local area networks. Network types. Advantages and disadvantages.
be able to:
- Choose a sensor fitting the requirements of automated production; connect digital sensors to computers and computer networks; adapt intelligent sensors to real production conditions.
get practical experience in use of:
- modern digital and intelligent sensors in centralised control systems and automatic contol systems.
- sensor data processing methods.
- Sensor state diagnostic methods; methods of remote malfunction detection in measurement devices.
In the process of subject learning students acquire knowledge, skills, and experience stated in main educational program.

4) Program structure: 1. Introduction. Main nuclear plant control tasks.
2. Temperature measurement methods.
2.1. Temperature. Electrical resistance thermometers. The principle of operation and purpose. Varieties of RTD; materials used for resistance thermometers. Design resistance thermometers. Bridge methods for measuring RTD. Advantages and disadvantages. Application area.
2.2. Thermoelectric thermometers.
The principle of operation, the physical basis of their work. Laws thermoelectric circuits. Materials used for the manufacture of thermocouples. Calibration curves thermocouple materials. Technical thermocouples and their basic characteristics. Application area. Methods for measuring the thermocouple voltage.
3. Pressure measurement methods.
3.1. Pressure. Pressure Units. Types of measured pressure. Methods for measuring the pressure. Strain gauges. Types of deformation of sensory elements, membranes, limp membrane with a hard center, bellows, pipe.
3.2. SAPPHIRE pressure sensors. Principle of operation. Strengths and limitations. Design. The metrological characteristics. Scope of application.
3.3. Digital differential pressure gauges of Yokogawa Electrical (Japan).
Principle of operation. The metrological characteristics. The architecture and the principle of organization of the company's intellectual Rozemaut pressure sensors. Features of construction. Specifications. 4. Coolant flow measurement methods.
4.1. Main concepts. Measurement units. Classification methods and flow measurement sensors. Variable differential pressure flowmeters. Their operating principle. The main types of narrowing devices. Advantages and disadvantages of differential pressure flowmeters. The operating principle of the sensor elements Enubar. Multivariable Mass Flowmeter. Principle of operation. Specifications. Application area.
4.2. Electromagnetic flowmeters. Operating principle. Electromagnetic flowmeters with constant and alternating field. Factors affecting the accuracy of the magnetic flow meter flow measurement. Pulsed electromagnetic flowmeter. Advantages and disadvantages of electromagnetic flowmeters. Design. Scope of application.
4.3. Vortex flowmeters. General characteristics. The types of flowmeters. Vortex flowmeters with a streamlined body. Operating principle. mechanic designs.
5. Coolant level measurement methods.
5.1. Hydrostatic level measurement method in open and closed tanks. Capacitive Level. Operating principle. The measuring circuit of the capacitive transmitter. Ultrasonic level measurement techniques.
6. Radiation sensors used in nuclear plant control systems.
6.1. Ionization methods for measuring the neutron flux density. Physical basics of ionization chambers. The materials used for manufacturing radiators chambers.
Current-voltage characteristics of the ionization chambers, depending on the applied voltage. Factors determining impulse and the current operating mode of ionization chambers. Ways to deal with the radiation noise. Compensated ionization chambers. Their design concept and main characteristics.
6.2. Fission chambers. Physical bases. Their design concept. Features fission chambers. A method of registration extensions range neutron flux in the reactor by dividing the chambers.
6.3. Electron-emission converters. Types of converters. Principle of operation. Design. Factors determining the sensitivity of the direct charge sensor. Compton electron emission sensors. Principle of operation. Materials used. Advantages and disadvantages of the DCS. Ways to improve DCS resource. Scope of application.

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