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Research of neutron noise in nuclear rectors

During the period from 1967 to 1996 was studying the distribution frequency of neutron flow fluctuations in the nuclear reactor core. Usually neutron flow fluctuations are called neutron noise. It is possible to use the neutron noise ranges to determine the technology parameters of reactors that cannot be directly diagnosed by standard monitoring systems. At that time, there was a lack of serially released experimental equipment, which caused the need to develop the low-noise 4 channel amplifier, analog-to-digital converter and magnetograph to record the neutron noise in 0.01 to 100 Hz frequency range.

During that period, series of experiments have been conducted. At first they have been carried out in water-to-water, and then in industrial dual-purpose uranium-graphite reactors. according to the results of this research, the dissertation work "Research of neutron noise of the industrial uranium graphite reactor in normal operating mode, for the purpose of diagnostics of possible emergence of emergencies in nuclear core in the course of its operation" was presented.

Research have shown that neutron noise resonances at 0.6 and 1.2 Hz frequencies are not uncommon for industrial reactors in the normal functioning mode.

The resonance was confirmed with calculations and mathematical modeling on an analog PC. Resonance occurring in noise range can be explained by heat carrier passing through the reactor core during the deviation from cosine form of neutron flow distribution for the nuclear core height. The existence of other resonances in spectral range is caused by technology channels vibrations at the natural resonance frequency, which is caused by turbulent flow of the heat carrier.

Thesis chapter 5 describes two brand new methods that allow registering the boiling of the heat carrier in uranium-graphite reactor of non-boiling type. The first one, called "phase coherent method", determines the boiling moment of the heat carrier in the uranium-graphite reactor channel. The second method locates the border between economizer and boiling sites of the heat carrier for the uranium-graphite reactor technological channel height. Both of these methods were copyrighted.

Research of resource characteristics of the space thermal emission reactor-generator by its computer simulation modeling.

From 1978 to 1985 had been a director of the Applied mathematics department at the TPI Cybernetic center laboratory of "Simulation modeling" with 26 colleagues performing research works for NPO Energy on the Resolution of USSR Military Industrial Complex. The need of 3-dimensional non-stationary simulation model of space thermal emission nuclear reactor was caused by the high cost of the prototype. The uranium with 94% U235 enrichment was used as a fuel to reduce the reactor size and weight. The rare-earth material beryllium was used for construction. The thermal emission reactor generator caused direct conversion of heat energy (created as a result of uranium fission) into electrical energy. The laboratory staff designed a program complex for three collaborating space researches in the Space Research Center BESM-6. It allowed to investigate the neutron-physical and heat-hydraulic processes change dynamics as well as change the low-temperature plasma electric parameters for the electricity generating elements and the electricity generating channels in any point of nuclear core of the thermal emission reactor-generator.

The developed program complex allowed performing emergency exercises during the use of reactor generator. The conducted researches utilizing the simulation model of the thermal emission reactor-generator have shown a possibility of yet unknown accident common for this type of reactors. A short circuit in one of the electricity generating elements, caused by the uranium fuel swelling, could possibly lead to an avalanche of short circuits in all of the reactor-generator nuclear core. Judging by the expansion speed and scope, it could be compared to “domino effect”, effectively causing a total failure of the space installation.

The research results led to the creation of a new scientific direction based on developing emergency systems to defend against a cascade of short circuits in nuclear core of the power thermal emission reactor-generator.

Besides that, parts of the program complex were used to identify the internal parameters of the electricity generating channels which have become defective during the course of resource tests in nuclear core of the research water-moderated reactor in the city of Alma-Ata. With the results of the research, the following laboratory staff has provided and defended thesis for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences: 1. Mendelbaum M.A., 2. Sukhanov M.S. 3. Velikanov V.V. 4. Babushkin Yu.V. 5. Zimin V.P.

Creation of the automated computer systems for training cadets of USSR naval schools

Since 1986 the laboratory of "Simulation modeling" moved to working on the first ACS for training cadets of the USSR Navy. Under the Resolution of military industrial complex at Council of ministers of the USSR it was entrusted to Tomsk polytechnic institute to execute "Tavern". The work was aiming to create an automated training system (ATS) for training the cadets of naval school named after F.Z. Dzerzhinsky. The personal computers released by Kursk plant of computers have been used. According to the characteristics they were considerably worse compared to the personal computers created in America. Respectively, they had domestic system software and could not be connected with foreign computers. Despite the lack of experience, the laboratory has successfully developed ACS. Judging by architecture and capabilities it corresponded to the training systems developed at that time abroad and has been accepted by the Customer in operation.

On the basis of works for the Navy successfully carried out by TPI, the Decision of SM USSR Group of 5.11.88 has approved "Moon rover". The Cybernetic center of Tomsk polytechnic institute was entrusted to perform a research work on subject: "Theoretical and practical study of the problem of creating a self-improving computer training system for collective and individual training of cadets of VMUZ SVMIU based on methodology of expert systems". This work was performed by TPU for the Sevastopol highest naval engineering school (SHNES) of P. S. Nakhimov. To provide successful completion of the government task in 1989, the laboratory of "Simulation modeling" has been transformed by the order of the director of KTs TPU V.Z.Yampolsky to "Department of applied problems of artificial intelligence" (OPPII).

Department consisted of three laboratories and one department. The maximum number of research team in department of PPII reached 70 people.

To compliance with the Specification of "MOON ROVER", the staff of the Cybernetic center of Tomsk polytechnic institute has carried out series of researches which are devoted to the solution of the following questions:
1. Creation of mathematical tasks solver, demonstrating the decision sequences. Assessment and analysis of each separate step of the decision;
2. Communication with the computer in limited natural language;
3. Representation and processing of professional knowledge in the expert training systems;
4. Theoretical justification and experimental check of psychophysiological control methods of cadets’ condition in the course of computer training.
5. The system that allows teacher to automatically create the simulation models describing operation of technical devices.
6. Studying the operator condition dynamics in the course of training on the intellectual training system.

Based on PEVM, of two experimental intellectual systems for VMUZ cadet training were created as result of this work.

These intellectual systems had to become a standard sample of equipment for all schools of VMUZ. Unfortunately, after disorder of the USSR works of the Navy in this direction have been stopped.