Савичев Олег Геннадьевич
Доктор географических наук

Отделение геологии, Профессор
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Scientific researches


The basic
Scientific results


1. A geo flow: conditions of formation and law of change

  • Conditions of formation and the tendency of change of a hydrochemical run-off in the Ob river basin are revealed
  • Planning of water-economic and nature protection actions
  • Tendencies of change of a ground component of a water run-off and levels of ground waters in the Ob river basin are revealed
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  • The basic zone laws of change of a chemical composition of river waters and sediments in Western Siberia are revealed
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  • The technique of an estimation of allowable dump of sewage in bogs is developed
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2. Dangerous hydrological processes, the forecast and an estimation of anthropogenous influence on water objects

  • The method of an estimation and the forecast of channel deformations is developed on the basis of the analysis of the given regime hydrometric observation
  • Engineering researches and designing of hydraulic engineering constructions, engineering protection of constructions
  • The method of an estimation and the forecast of water levels is developed at ice jams
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