Савичев Олег Геннадьевич
Доктор географических наук

Отделение геологии, Профессор
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Savichev Oleg Gennadjevich was born in 1967 in Mariinsk of the Kemerovo region, Russia. He has finished training in the Tomsk the state university in 1991 and has received a degree on a speciality "engineer-hydrologist". Savichev O.G. started to work from the Siberian scientific research institute of peat (Tomsk) in 1990 in a post of the engineer - technologist, and then - the younger scientific employee. Then he worked in Committee of preservation of the environment of Tomsk area in 1992-1993 (engineer), in 1993 - in the Tomsk department of the Incorporated Institute of geology, geophysics and mineralogy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (Novosibirsk city). Savichev O.G. has acted in 1994 in internal postgraduate study in Tomsk polytechnic university (TPU), and in 1996 has protected the master's thesis. Savichev O.G. worked since 1996 on 2000 years worked in Tomsk branch of Institute of geology of oil and gas of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (the scientific employee, the senior scientific employee). He participated in studying consequences of continuation of building of hydroelectric Krapivino power station on the Tom' river and development of the target program of improvement of ecological conditions in the Tom' river basin. Savichev O.G. worked during 2001-2006 years in company "Tomskgeomonitoring" (the chief of a department of monitoring of surface water objects, the chief of a department of geoecology and monitoring of water objects, the head of group of monitoring of surface water objects). He was the executive on conducting the state monitoring water objects, water-economic systems and constructions in territory of Tomsk area, development of the Territorial program of rational use, protection and restoration of water objects (in Tomsk area) till 2010 and so on. Savichev O.G. has acted in 2002 in doctoral studies of Tomsk polytechnic university, has protected the thesis for a doctor's degree in 2005. The scientific degree of the doctor of sciences is appropriated to him in 2006. Savichev O.G. works in Tomsk polytechnic university since 1998 (the senior teacher, the senior lecturer, the professor). The academic status of the senior lecturer is appropriated to him in 2003, an academic status of the professor - in 2013. Now Savichev O.G. is professor of department of hydrogeology, engineering geology and hydrogeoecology.