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More than 180 scientific printed works and manuscripts, including 13 inventions, 4 article theses, 12 scientific and methodological documents, more than 40 articles published in the following magazines: Coal, Mining Magazine, Industrial Health and Safety, Marketing and Marketing Research, University Management: Practice and Analysis, Higher Education in Russia, Vice-chancellor Board, TPU Bulletin, Mining Equipment and Electrical Engineering, Fuel and Power Complex and Resources of Kuzbass, and etc.
Article Theses - S.A. Prokopenko, B.V. Krasilnikov. Conversion of Coal Industry in Kuzbass / Printing and Publishing, Kemerovo. - 1996. – 135 p.
- S.A. Prokopenko. Organization of Competitive Cooperation of the Regional Coal Producers /Kuzbass State Technical University. - Kemerovo, 1999. – 133 p.
- S.A. Prokopenko, Consumption of Cutters at Mining Machines: article thesis /S.A. Prokopenko; Yurga Institute of Technology. – Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2012. – 157 p.
- S.P. Kazakov. Ventilation of Development Headings in Kuznbass Coal Mines: article thesis / S.P. Kazakov, A.M. Yermolayev, S.A. Prokopenko; Yurga Institute of Technology. – Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2013. – 211 p.
Academic Publications - B.V. Krasilnikov, S.A. Prokopenko. Kuzbass Coals Marketing/ Educational Guidance.- Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat. - 1995. -58с.
- S.A. Prokopenko. Evaluation of Competitive Ability of Coal Producer Goods and Resources: Study guide /S.A. Prokopenko. - Kemerovo: FSAEI Kemerovo Regional Institute of Advanced Training, 2010. – 44 p.
- Methodology of Drawing up Business Plans on Investment Projects Aimed at Coal Industry Diversification /B.V. Krasilnikov, S.A. Prokopenko, D.A. Ulyanov and etc. - Kemerovo: Kuzbass State Technical University, 1996. – 25p.
- Methodology of Business Plans Analysis and Assessment of Investment Attractiveness / B.V. Krasilnikov, S.A. Prokopenko, D.A. Ulyanov and etc. - Kemerovo: Kuzbass State Technical University, 1996. – 12p.
- S.A. Prokopenko. Methodological Recommendations on Evaluation of Thermal Coals Competitive Ability. - Kemerovo: Kuzbass State Technical University, 1997. – 19p.
- Development of Marketing Strategy for Coal Producer (with JSC “Raspadskaya” as an example)/ S.A. Prokopenko, B.V. Krasilnikov, G.I. Kozovoy, and etc. - Study guide. - Kemerovo: Kuzbass State Technical University, 1997. – 79p.
- Evaluation of Kuzbass Coals Competitive Ability in the Fuel and Power Market: Study guide for higher education institutions/ B.V. Krasilnikov, V.S. Ludzish, S.A. Prokopenko and etc. - M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Mining Science, 1997. - 55 p.
- S.A. Prokopenko. Competition and Methods of Evaluation of Coal Producers Competitive Status: Study guide; Kuzbass State Technical University. – Kemerovo, 2002. – 84 p.
- S.A. Prokopenko. Marketing Strategy of Coal Producers at Energy Market // Methodological Instructions on Writing a Term Paper for Students of Qualification 060814 “Economics and Enterprise Management in Mining Industry and Geological Exploration / Kuzbass State Technical University – Kemerovo. – 2005. – 20p.
- 10. S.A. Prokopenko. Marketing Strategy of Production Enterprise (with a coal producer as an example): Methodological Instructions on Writing a Term Paper in Marketing for Students of Qualification 080507 “Company Management” / S.A. Prokopenko. – Yurga Institute of Technology (branch) of Tomsk Polytechnic University. – Yurga: Publishing House of Yurga Institute of Technology (branch) of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2012. – 23 p.
- 11. S.A. Prokopenko. Increased Efficiency of Using Cutters at Mining Machines in Coal Mines: Study guide/ S.A. Prokopenko; FSAEI CPE Kemerovo Regional Institute of Advanced Training. – Kemerovo: FSAEI CPE Kemerovo Regional Institute of Advanced Training, 2013. – 76 p.
- 12. S.A. Prokopenko. Increased Efficiency of Drawing Coal and Enclosing Rocks in Mines by Mining Machines: Study guide / S.A. Prokopenko; Yurga Institute of Technology. – Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2014. – 128 p.
Main Publications in Magazines - S.A. Prokopenko. Kuzbass Coals Marketing in the Russian Fuel and Power Market // Marketing and Research in Russia. - М.: New Communication World. - 1997. -# 6. - p. 10-14.
- S.A. Prokopenko. Method for Evaluation of Competitive Ability of Primary Energy Materials / Coal. - 1997. - # 12. - p. 47-50.
- S.A. Prokopenko. Competitive Cooperation of Manufacturers: from the existing to the balanced level// Marketing and Research in Russia. - M.: New Communication World. - 1999. -# 6. - p. 37-42.
- S.A. Prokopenko. Higher Education Institution: Marketing Philosophy / Higher Education in Russia. - 2005. - # 10. - p. 122-128.
- S.A. Prokopenko. Advanced Technologies of Coal Industry/ Coal. - 2005. - # 7. - p. 55-57.
- S.A. Prokopenko. Upgraded Technical University of the Modern Coal Industry of Kuzbass / Coal. - 2005. - # 12. - p. 48- 51.
- S.A. Prokopenko. Higher Education Institution: from teaching to development of students/ Board of Vice-Chancellors. - М. – 2006. - # 10. – p. 95-100.
- S.A. Prokopenko, A.V. Shishkin. Increasing Quality of Dissertations in Higher Education Institutions// Bulletin of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. – 2011. #4 (40). – p. 16-22.
- S.A. Prokopenko. System and Results of Methodological Support of Degree Candidates //Professional Education in Russia and Abroad. – 2013 - #3(11). – p. 35-44.
- S.A. Prokopenko. Reduction in Energy Consumption of Machine Coal Mining (underground) Process // Coal Industry. – 2013. - # 3. – p. 32-34.
- S.A. Prokopenko. Problems of Innovative Development of Coal Mining Enterprises in Russia // S.A. Prokopenko, V.S. Ludzish / Mining Magazine. - 2014. – #1. – p. 47-49.
- S. A. Prokopenko. Multiple Service Life Extension of Mining and Road Machines’ Cutters // Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 682 (2014) p. 319-323.
Список публикаций
Количество записей: 5
Dialectical contradictions and resolutions toward innovative development and ecological safety enhancement in modern-day coal mining / S. A. Prokopenko, Yu. V. Lesin, A. A. Li, V. G. Shadrin // Eurasian Mining. — 2020. — № 1. — [P. 79-83]. — URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.17580/em.2020.01.16
Прокопенко, С. А. Исследование и развитие представления о сущности университета = Research and development of the understanding of the essence of university / С. А. Прокопенко, Т. С. Селевич // Философия образования. — 2015. — № 6 (63). — [С. 5-22]. — URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25447713
Прокопенко, С. А. Повышение эффективности функционирования кафедры университета = The efficiency of university departments / С. А. Прокопенко // Успехи современного естествознания : научный журнал. — 2015. — № 1, ч. 3. — [С. 511-516]. — URL: http://www.rae.ru/use/525-r34928/
Прокопенко, С. А. Балансирование интересов преподавателей и повышение качества обучения в университете = Finding balance between lecturers interest and upgrading the quality of teaching at the univeristy / С. А. Прокопенко // Университетское управление: практика и анализ : научно-теоретический журнал. — 2015. — № 1. — [С. 64-72]. — URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23223206
Уварова, В. А. Система контроля пожарной и токсической безопасности полимерных материалов на горных предприятиях / В. А. Уварова, В. П. Баскаков, С. А. Прокопенко // Безопасность труда в промышленности : научно-производственный журнал. — 2015. — № 3. — [С. 45-50]. — URL: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23098432