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More than 180 scientific printed works and manuscripts, including 13 inventions, 4 article theses, 12 scientific and methodological documents, more than 40 articles published in the following magazines: Coal, Mining Magazine, Industrial Health and Safety, Marketing and Marketing Research, University Management: Practice and Analysis, Higher Education in Russia, Vice-chancellor Board, TPU Bulletin, Mining Equipment and Electrical Engineering, Fuel and Power Complex and Resources of Kuzbass, and etc.

Article Theses

  1. S.A. Prokopenko, B.V. Krasilnikov. Conversion of Coal Industry in Kuzbass / Printing and Publishing, Kemerovo. - 1996. – 135 p.
  2. S.A. Prokopenko. Organization of Competitive Cooperation of the Regional Coal Producers /Kuzbass State Technical University. - Kemerovo, 1999. – 133 p.
  3. S.A. Prokopenko, Consumption of Cutters at Mining Machines: article thesis /S.A. Prokopenko; Yurga Institute of Technology. – Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2012. – 157 p.
  4. S.P. Kazakov. Ventilation of Development Headings in Kuznbass Coal Mines: article thesis / S.P. Kazakov, A.M. Yermolayev, S.A. Prokopenko; Yurga Institute of Technology. – Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2013. – 211 p.

Academic Publications

  1. B.V. Krasilnikov, S.A. Prokopenko. Kuzbass Coals Marketing/ Educational Guidance.- Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat. - 1995. -58с.
  2. S.A. Prokopenko. Evaluation of Competitive Ability of Coal Producer Goods and Resources: Study guide /S.A. Prokopenko. - Kemerovo: FSAEI Kemerovo Regional Institute of Advanced Training, 2010. – 44 p.
  3. Methodology of Drawing up Business Plans on Investment Projects Aimed at Coal Industry Diversification /B.V. Krasilnikov, S.A. Prokopenko, D.A. Ulyanov and etc. - Kemerovo: Kuzbass State Technical University, 1996. – 25p.
  4. Methodology of Business Plans Analysis and Assessment of Investment Attractiveness / B.V. Krasilnikov, S.A. Prokopenko, D.A. Ulyanov and etc. - Kemerovo: Kuzbass State Technical University, 1996. – 12p.
  5. S.A. Prokopenko. Methodological Recommendations on Evaluation of Thermal Coals Competitive Ability. - Kemerovo: Kuzbass State Technical University, 1997. – 19p.
  6. Development of Marketing Strategy for Coal Producer (with JSC “Raspadskaya” as an example)/ S.A. Prokopenko, B.V. Krasilnikov, G.I. Kozovoy, and etc. - Study guide. - Kemerovo: Kuzbass State Technical University, 1997. – 79p.
  7. Evaluation of Kuzbass Coals Competitive Ability in the Fuel and Power Market: Study guide for higher education institutions/ B.V. Krasilnikov, V.S. Ludzish, S.A. Prokopenko and etc. - M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Mining Science, 1997. - 55 p.
  8. S.A. Prokopenko. Competition and Methods of Evaluation of Coal Producers Competitive Status: Study guide; Kuzbass State Technical University. – Kemerovo, 2002. – 84 p.
  9. S.A. Prokopenko. Marketing Strategy of Coal Producers at Energy Market // Methodological Instructions on Writing a Term Paper for Students of Qualification 060814 “Economics and Enterprise Management in Mining Industry and Geological Exploration / Kuzbass State Technical University – Kemerovo. – 2005. – 20p.
  10. 10.  S.A. Prokopenko. Marketing Strategy of Production Enterprise (with a coal producer as an example): Methodological Instructions on Writing a Term Paper in Marketing for Students of Qualification 080507 “Company Management” / S.A. Prokopenko. – Yurga Institute of Technology (branch) of Tomsk Polytechnic University. – Yurga: Publishing House of Yurga Institute of Technology (branch) of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2012. – 23 p.
  11. 11.  S.A. Prokopenko. Increased Efficiency of Using Cutters at Mining Machines in Coal Mines: Study guide/ S.A. Prokopenko; FSAEI CPE Kemerovo Regional Institute of Advanced Training. – Kemerovo: FSAEI CPE Kemerovo Regional Institute of Advanced Training, 2013. – 76 p.
  12. 12.  S.A. Prokopenko. Increased Efficiency of Drawing Coal and Enclosing Rocks in Mines by Mining Machines: Study guide / S.A. Prokopenko; Yurga Institute of Technology. – Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2014. – 128 p.

Main Publications in Magazines

  1. S.A. Prokopenko. Kuzbass Coals Marketing in the Russian Fuel and Power Market // Marketing and Research in Russia. - М.: New Communication World. - 1997. -# 6. - p. 10-14.
  2. S.A. Prokopenko. Method for Evaluation of Competitive Ability of Primary Energy Materials / Coal. - 1997. - # 12. - p. 47-50.
  3. S.A. Prokopenko. Competitive Cooperation of Manufacturers: from the existing to the balanced level// Marketing and Research in Russia. - M.: New Communication World. - 1999. -# 6. - p. 37-42.
  4. S.A. Prokopenko. Higher Education Institution: Marketing Philosophy / Higher Education in Russia. - 2005. - # 10. - p. 122-128.
  5. S.A. Prokopenko. Advanced Technologies of Coal Industry/ Coal. - 2005. - # 7. - p. 55-57.
  6. S.A. Prokopenko. Upgraded Technical University of the Modern Coal Industry of Kuzbass / Coal. - 2005. - # 12. - p. 48- 51.
  7. S.A. Prokopenko. Higher Education Institution: from teaching to development of students/ Board of Vice-Chancellors. - М. – 2006. - # 10. – p. 95-100.
  8. S.A. Prokopenko, A.V. Shishkin. Increasing Quality of Dissertations in Higher Education Institutions// Bulletin of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. – 2011. #4 (40). – p. 16-22.
  9. S.A. Prokopenko. System and Results of Methodological Support of Degree Candidates //Professional Education in Russia and Abroad. – 2013 - #3(11). – p. 35-44.
  10. S.A. Prokopenko. Reduction in Energy Consumption of Machine Coal Mining (underground) Process // Coal Industry. – 2013. - # 3. – p. 32-34.
  11. S.A. Prokopenko. Problems of Innovative Development of Coal Mining Enterprises in Russia // S.A. Prokopenko, V.S. Ludzish / Mining Magazine. - 2014. – #1. – p. 47-49.
  12. S. A. Prokopenko. Multiple Service Life Extension of Mining and Road Machines’ Cutters // Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 682 (2014) p. 319-323.

Список публикаций

Количество записей: 5

  1. Dialectical contradictions and resolutions toward innovative development and ecological safety enhancement in modern-day coal mining / S. A. Prokopenko, Yu. V. Lesin, A. A. Li, V. G. Shadrin // Eurasian Mining. — 2020. — № 1. — [P. 79-83]. — URL:

  2. Прокопенко, С. А. Исследование и развитие представления о сущности университета = Research and development of the understanding of the essence of university / С. А. Прокопенко, Т. С. Селевич // Философия образования. — 2015. — № 6 (63). — [С. 5-22]. — URL:

  3. Прокопенко, С. А. Повышение эффективности функционирования кафедры университета = The efficiency of university departments / С. А. Прокопенко // Успехи современного естествознания : научный журнал. — 2015. — № 1, ч. 3. — [С. 511-516]. — URL:

  4. Прокопенко, С. А. Балансирование интересов преподавателей и повышение качества обучения в университете = Finding balance between lecturers interest and upgrading the quality of teaching at the univeristy / С. А. Прокопенко // Университетское управление: практика и анализ : научно-теоретический журнал. — 2015. — № 1. — [С. 64-72]. — URL:

  5. Уварова, В. А. Система контроля пожарной и токсической безопасности полимерных материалов на горных предприятиях / В. А. Уварова, В. П. Баскаков, С. А. Прокопенко // Безопасность труда в промышленности : научно-производственный журнал. — 2015. — № 3. — [С. 45-50]. — URL:

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