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Total number of inventions - 13. 3 patents of the Russian Federation and 1 patent of the Ukraine acquired. - IC 1162903, the USSR. Excavator Shovel / Invented by: S.A. Prokopenko, B.N. Rybakov, M.A. Andreyev. - Appl. 29.03.84. # 3716874/29-03. Published in the Bulletin of Inventions, 1985, # 23. - p.103.
- IC 1263850, the USSR. Overburden Dumping Method / Invented by A.S. Tashkinov and S.A. Prokopenko.- Appl.18.02.85. # 3856646/22-03. Published in the Bulletin of Inventions, 1986.- #38.-p.135.
- IC 1691246, the USSR. Equipment for Dumping Bulk Materials into Piles / Invented by: S.A. Prokopenko, A.V. Koksin, V.G. Orlov, V.S. Ludzish, G.V. Krol and M.A. Prokopenko. - Appl.17.11.89. # 4759255/11. Published in the Bulletin of Inventions, 1991, # 42.
- IC 1694902, the USSR. Method for Reclaiming Territories of Caving Zones / Invented by: S.A. Prokopenko, V.S. Ludzish, A.A. Nemchenko, A.N. Shin. - Appl. 10.10.88. # 4491455/03. Published in the Bulletin of Inventions, 1991. # 44.
- IC 1701921, the USSR. Method for Dumping at Weak Watered Areas / Invented by: S.A. Prokopenko, G.G. Felker, M.L. Solomakin and N.V. Okhota.- Appl. 10.01.89. # 4635537/03. Published in the Bulletin of Inventions # 48, 1991.
- IC 1745941, the USSR. Method for Development of Sloping and Steep-dipping Thick Seams Elongated along the Strike / Invented by: V.V. Mikhalchenko, S.A. Prokopenko, V.G. Orlov and A.V. Koksin. - Appl. 26.03.90. # 4822675/03, Published in the Bulletin of Inventions # 25, 1992.
- IC 1668567, the USSR. Excavator Front-type Shovel / Invented by: S.A. Prokopenko, S. Ludzish, M.A. Prokopenko and A.N. Shin. Appl.13.01.89. # 4637591/25-03. Published in the Bulletin of Inventions 1991.- # 29.
- Patent 1782279, the USSR. Hydraulic Equipment for Rock Disposal / Invented by: A.V. Koksin, V.G. Orlov, P.M. Djunko, S.A. Prokopenko, V.E. Budanov, A.A. Romanov. Appl. 01.11.90, # 4879464/03. Published in the Bulletin of Inventions , 1992, -# 46.
- IC 1818897, the USSR. Self-propelled (mining) Giant / Invented by: S.A. Prokopenko, A.A. Romanov, V.E. Budanov, B.N. Rybakov. Appl. 20.08.90, # 4878969 /official use only/.
- Patent 2278254, the Russian Federation. IPC Е21В 43/295. Method for Electric Power Generation as a Result of Underground Coal Combustion [Text]. S.A. Prokopenko. - #2004137386/03; Appl. 21.12.2004. – Published on 20.06.2006. Bulletin #17.
- Patent 106306 РФ, IPC E21C35/18. Mining and Road Machine Cutter [Text]. S.A. Prokopenko. - #2011104194/03; Appl. 07.02.2011. Published on 10.07.2011. Bulletin # 19.
- Utility model patent 68363 UA, IPC E21C35/18. Mining and Road Machine Cutter [Text]. S.A. Prokopenko, O.I. Prokopenko, O.O. Prokopenko, A.V. Rusanov. - # u 2011 09954; Appl. 11.08.2011. Published on 26.03.2012. Bulletin # 6.
- Decision on patent issuance upon application 2013133023. Powered Support Section. S.A. Prokopenko. Date of application 16.07.2013.