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Curriculum Vitae

Sergey Prokopenko was born on November 7, 1959 in Malinovka village of Osinniki, Kemerovo Region. After finishing high school #19 in 1977 he entered Kuzbass Polytechnic Institute to become an open-pit mining engineer. After graduation in 1982 Sergey entered a PhD program in Kuzbass Institute of Technology. In 1988 in the Coal Institute, the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, the USSR (Kemerovo), he defended the dissertation named “Composite High-Density Dumping in terms of Open-pit Coal Mining in Kuzbass” where a technology of space- and eco-saving overburden placement in the open-pit mines was developed based on the study of overburden calmatation with loose deposits in dumps. In 2000 in the Research and Development Center of the Open-pit Mining Research Institute (Chelyabinsk) he was awarded Advanced Doctor degree and defended the doctoral dissertation named “Theory and Methods of Competitive Cooperation between Coal Producers” where based on research into competition between coal producers a scientific methodology for efficient competitive cooperation was developed to increase viability of coal producers in the market environment. In 2002 Sergey was awarded the title of (full) Professor.


  • 1983 - 1985 –mine foreman in a coal open-pit mine;
  • 1985 - 1987 – served in the USSR army;
  • 1987 - 1989 –senior research associate in Kuzbass Department of the Russian Research and Engineering Institute of Environment Protection and Coal Mining “VNIIOSugol”;
  • 1989 - 1994 – head of sector in Kuznetskiy Branch of the Open-pit Mining Research Institute;
  • 1994 - 2001 – worked for “Kuzbassinvestugol” Corporation; started as main expert and after a while was promoted to Investment Projects and Marketing Director;
  • 2002- till the present – Director of the Representative Office of non-profit making company “Gornopromyshlenniki Rossis” (“Coal Producers of Russia”) in the Siberian Federal District;
  • 1995 - 2005 – associate professor and then full professor of Kuzbass State Technical University;
  • starting 2010 – full professor of the Department of Economics and Automated Control Systems in Yurga Institute of Technology, Tomsk Polytechnic University.

Membership and Public Recognition

Member of the Joint Dissertation Committee attached to OJSC “NTS VostNII” (Research and Development Center of Vostochniy Research and Development Institute) (Kemerovo). Member of Mining Committee of non-profit making company “Gornopromyshlenniki Rossis” (“Coal Producers of Russia”) in the Siberian Federal District.


  1. Miners’ Glory Medal (2006)
  2. Winner of 2010 Mining Scientific Research Award n.a. N.A. Chinakal held by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  3. Certificate of Acknowledgment issued by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (2013)
  4. Winner of 2013 Best Instructional Research Paper Award held by Yurga Institute of Technology, Tomsk Polytechnic University
  5. Hobby – playing volleyball, guitar poetry

    Family status – married, has a daughter