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14 марта 2025 / Friday / Неделя четная
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  • Relay protection and automation of electric power systems /li>

Purpose: formation of knowledge about modern means of relay protection and automation as key tools for improving the reliability of power systems in normal and emergency modes.

Content: transducers of current and voltage in circuits of relay protection; principles of protection, fixing the deviation of the controlled quantities: current, directional current, distance; the principles of protection, based on comparison of controlled values: differential and differential-phase; protection of the main elements of power systems: high-voltage lines, transformers and autotransformers, generators, motors, buses, shunt capacitor banks; automati-cally reclosing; automatic activation of reserve; characteristics and operation of modern microprocessor devices of ABB, ALSTOM, EKRA; facilities for testing of relay protection devices and automatics; management system and information collection for the operation of microprocessor devices.

  • Designing of relay protection and automation of power systems/li>

Objective: the development of modern methods and means of design of relay protection and automatics (RPA) of individual objects, their aggregates and in General power systems, their application to the development of the project, RZA defined objects of the power system.

Content: the existing principles and typical devices and systems for relay protection and automation, structural and functional properties and characteristics of the measuring bodies, the logic of offsets, approvals, permits and closures of the action of TV RZA; new methods to configure the RPA; assessment of the technical and economic efficiency of designed channels, devices and relay protection and automation systems; examples of justification of the selected model of relay protection devices (calculation of setpoints and sensitivity, the technical and economic efficiency).