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- Rybin, Yuriy Konstantinovich. Basic metrological properties of electronic oscillators with direct digital synthesis [Electronic resource] / Yu. K. Rybin, T. A. Petlina // Measurement. - 2017. - Vol. 98. - [P. 243-249]. - Title screen. - Access under the contract with the organization-holder of the resource. Access mode: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2016.12.009
- Ershov, IA A signal generator of arbitrary form on the NI FPGA Board [Electronic resource] / IA Ershov, Yu. K. Rybin // Youth and modern information technologies: a collection of works of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, PhD students and Young Scientists, Tomsk, November 9-13, 2015, 2 T / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Institute of Cybernetics (IC); Ed. T. E. Mamonova [and others]. - 2016. - T. 1. - [P. 30-31]. - Title from the title screen. - Free access from the Internet. Adobe Reader. Access mode: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/16923
- Petlina, T. A. Signal of instability of direct digital synthesis generator [Electronic resource] / T. A Petlina, Yu.V. Nikulina, Yu. K. Rybin // Youth and modern information technologies: a collection of works of the 13th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists, Tomsk, November 9-13, 2015, T. 2 / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Institute of Cybernetics (IC); Ed. T. E. Mamonova [and others]. - 2016. - T. 1. - [P. 79-80]. - Title from the title screen. - Free access from the Internet. Adobe Reader. Access mode: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/17081
- Rybin, Yuriy Konstantinovich. Synthesis of structures of pulse signal generators based on the principles of symmetry and reflection [Electronic resource] / Yu. K. Rybin // Proceedings of Tomsk Polytechnic University [Tomsk Polytechnic University] / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). - 2013. - Vol. 322, No. 4: Power engineering. - [P. 164-169]. - Title from the title page. - Electronic version of the printed publication. - Free access from the Internet. Adobe Reader. Access mode: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/v/Bulletin_TPU/2013/v322/i4/37.pdf
- Rybin, Yuriy Konstantinovich. Application of the principle of symmetry in the synthesis of structures of electric signal generators [Electronic resource] / Yu. K. Rybin // Proceedings of Tomsk Polytechnic University [Tomsk Polytechnic University] / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). - 2012. - Т. 320, № 4: Power engineering. - [P. 78-83]. - Title from the title page. - Electronic version of the printed publication. - Free access from the Internet. Adobe Reader. Access mode: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/v/Bulletin_TPU/2012/v320/i4/16.pdf
- Rybin, Yuriy Konstantinovich. Electronic Devices for Analog Signal Processing / Yu. K. Rybin. - London: Springer, 2012. - 257 p .: il . - Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics; 33. - Index: p. 255-257. - Glossary: p. 249-253 . - ISBN 978-94-007-2204-0.
- Rybin, Yuriy Konstantinovich. Analysis of oscillatory systems of electric signal generators on new operational amplifiers [Electronic resource] / Yu. K. Rybin // Proceedings of Tomsk Polytechnic University [Tomsk Polytechnic University] / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). - 2011. - Т. 318, № 4: Power engineering. - [P. 80-85]. - Title from the title page. - Electronic version of the printed publication. - Free access from the Internet. Adobe Reader. Access mode: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/v/Bulletin_TPU/2011/v318/i4/17.pdf
- Rybin, Yuriy Konstantinovich. Conditions of reproduction in generators of periodic oscillations of a given shape [Electronic resource] / Yu. K. Rybin // Proceedings of Tomsk Polytechnic University [Tomsk Polytechnic University] / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). - 2010. - Т. 316, № 4: Power engineering. - [FROM. 136-140]. - Title from the title page. - Electronic version of the printed publication. - Free access from the Internet. Adobe Reader. Access mode: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/v/Bulletin_TPU/2010/v316/i4/30.pdf
- Rybin, Yuriy Konstantinovich. Electronics [Electronic resource]: basic summary of lectures / Yu. K. Rybin; National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). - 1 computer file (pdf; 1.3 MB). - Tomsk: 2010. - Title from the title screen. - Access from the network of NTB TPU. - System requirements: Adobe Reader.Access mode: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext3/m/2010/m42.pdf
- Rybin, Yuriy Konstantinovich. Analysis and synthesis of oscillating systems of electric signal generators [Electronic resource] / Yu. K. Rybin // Proceedings of Tomsk Polytechnic University [Tomsk Polytechnic University] / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). - 2010. - Т. 317, № 4: Power engineering. - [P. 134-139]. - Title from the title page. - Electronic version of the printed publication. - Free access from the Internet. Adobe Reader.Access mode: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/v/Bulletin_TPU/2010/v317/i4/29.pdf
- A complex of automated systems for testing asphalt-bitumen materials used for road surfaces // Modern Technology and Technologies: 13th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists, Tomsk, March 26-30, 2007, 3 Tons / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). - 2007. - T. 1. - P. 228-230.
- Rybin, Yuriy Konstantinovich. Yu. K. Rybin, T.V. Vaal // Modern technologies and technologies: 11th international scientific and practical conference of students, post-graduate students and young scientists, Tomsk, March 29-April 2, 2005: Proceedings / Tomsk Polytechnic University. - 2005. - T. 1. - P. 95-96.
- Rybin, Yuriy Konstantinovich. Electronic devices on operational amplifiers: a manual / Yu. K. Rybin; Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). - Tomsk: Printed Manufactory, 2005. - 278 p .: il .. - The book is in English. - Glossary: p. 267-272 .. - ISBN 5-94476-066-4.
- Rybin, Yury Konstantinovich. Synthesis of self-oscillating systems of electric signal generators [Electronic resource] / Yu. K. Rybin // Proceedings of Tomsk Polytechnic University [Tomsk Polytechnic University] / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). - 2004. - Т. 307, № 3. - [С. 113-118]. - Title from the title page. - Electronic version of the printed publication. - Free access from the Internet. Adobe Reader.Access mode: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/v/Bulletin_TPU/2004/v307/i3/27.pdf
- Rybin, Yury Konstantinovich. Electronic devices: a textbook / Yu. K. Rybin; Tomsk Polytechnic University. - Tomsk: Print Manufactory, 2003. - 262 p .: il .. - Bibliography: p. 244. - Glossary: p. 245-251. - ISBN 5-94476-022-2.
- Rybin, Yuriy Konstantinovich. Conditions for excitation and establishment of sinusoidal self-oscillations in RC generators [Electronic resource] / Yu. K. Rybin // Proceedings of Tomsk Polytechnic University [Izvestiya TPU] / Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). - 2003. - T. 306, No. 3. - [S. 77-83]. - Title from the title page. - Electronic version of the printed publication. - Free access from the Internet. Adobe Reader.Access mode: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/v/Bulletin_TPU/2003/v306/i3/17.pdf
- Rybin, Yuriy Konstantinovich. Synthesis of a dynamical system with stochastic self-oscillations / Yu. K. Rybin, AL Baranovskii // Radio engineering and electronics / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. - 1988. - Vol. 33, no. 8. - p. 1643-1651. - ISSN 0033-8494.
- Installation measuring complex K2-41 / M.S. Roitman [and others] // Measuring technology: scientific and technical journal. - 1987. - No. 5. - P. 42-43. - ISSN 0368-1025.
- Rybin, Yuriy Konstantinovich. Stochastic auto-oscillations in generators with imbalance action / Yu. K. Rybin // Radio engineering and electronics / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. - 1986. - Vol. 31, no. 9. - p. 1801-1807. - ISSN 0033-8494.
- Rybin, Yury Konstantinovich. Stochastic selective transformation / Yu. K. Rybin, V.P. Budeykin // Measuring technique: scientific and technical journal. - 1985. - № 2. - P. 16-17. - ISSN 0368-1025.
- Investigation of methods and circuits suitable for creating a low-frequency measuring oscillator of a precision waveform for testing measuring amplifiers: Final report on R & D: Topic: No. 8-34 / 76 / Tomsk Polytechnic Institute (TPI); Leader M. S. Roitman, Yu. K. Rybin. - Tomsk: 1977. - 124 liters. - Bibliograf. At the end of ch.
- Rybin, Yuriy Konstantinovich. Problems of constructing amplitude-phase analyzers [Electronic resource] / Yu. K. Rybin // Proceedings of Tomsk Polytechnic Institute [Izvestiya TPI] / Tomsk Polytechnic Institute (TPI). - Publishing house of Tomsk University, 1974. - T. 208. - [S. 13-18]. - Title from the title page. - Electronic version of the printed publication. - Free access from the Internet. Adobe Reader. Access mode: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/v/Bulletin_TPU/1974/v208/03_bw.pdf, http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/v/Bulletin_TPU/1974/v208/ 03_full.pdf.
- Roitman, Marcel Samuilovich. Amplitude-stable generator of sinusoidal voltage [Electronic resource] / M.S. Roitman, Yu. K. Rybin, V.I.Chufistov // Bulletin of Tomsk Polytechnic Institute [Izvestiya TPI] / Tomsk Polytechnic Institute (TPI). - Izd-vo Tomsk University, 1973. - Т. 270: Multivalued measures of variable voltages. - [FROM. 55-59]. - Title from the title page. - Electronic version of the printed publication. - Free access from the Internet. Adobe Reader. Access mode: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/v/Bulletin_TPU/1973/v270/10_bw.pdf, http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/v/Bulletin_TPU/1973/v270/ 10_full.pdf.
- Rybin, Yuriy Konstantinovich. Active notch filter [Electronic resource] / Yu. K. Rybin // Proceedings of Tomsk Polytechnic Institute [Izvestiya TPI] / Tomsk Polytechnic Institute (TPI). - Tomsk University Publishing House, 1973. - Т. 270: Multivalued measures of variable voltages. - [FROM. 60-62]. - Title from the title page. - Electronic version of the printed publication. - Free access from — Adobe Reader. Access mode: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/v/Bulletin_TPU/1973/v270/11_bw.pdf , http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/v/Bulletin_TPU/1973/v270/11_full.pdf.