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Yuriy K. Rybin was born on August 6, 1943 in Omsk. He finished secondary school No. 84. In 1960, he entered the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute (now the Tomsk Polytechnic University). In 1962, he moved to the newly established Tomsk Institute of Radioelectronics and Electronic Technology (now the Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics). In 1966, Yuri Rybin successfully graduated from this institute with a degree in Industrial Electronics. From 1966 to 1969, he worked in Proekt, a design bureau in Tomsk, as an engineer, senior engineer and lead designer. In 1969, he joined the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute as a chief engineer. Later he was enrolled in a postgraduate course and defended his PhD thesis in 1973. In 2014, he defended his thesis for a doctoral degree. At present, Dr. Rybin is a professor at the Department of Control Systems and Mechatronics, Institute of Cybernetics of the Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). He teaches a number of courses in the form of lectures, practical and laboratory classes: Theory of Electrical Signals and Circuits, Electronics, Digital Processing of Measuring Signals, Instrumentation and Controls, Test Management and Procedures. All of these courses are accredited. Dr. Rybin developed and published training and teaching materials on his courses, including textbooks: Electronic Devices in Russian and Electronic Devices for Analog Signal Processing in English. The Electronic Devices textbook was released by Pechatnaya Manufaktura in 2003 with the stamp of the Educational and Methodical Association (Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation). Dr. Rybin managed, and was directly involved in, the development of industrial measuring signal generators, such as G3-118, G3-119, G3-121, G3-122, G3-125, etc., and putting them into large-scale production. Nowadays, these generators are used in almost all scientific, industrial and defense organizations and enterprises throughout the former USSR. They are also used in education. Today, Dr. Rybin is engaged in developing a precision oscillator instead of G3-122 and preparing it for mass production. The oscillator has already passed state tests. Furthermore, he implemented an international project in cooperation with Texas Instruments (USA) aimed at developing instruments using state-of-the-art digital signal processors — TMS320C6713 and TMS320C5510.