27 июля 2024 / Saturday / Неделя четная
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1. Rukavishnikov V. S., Sizykh S. A. Object modeling and prediction of well rates in tide domintated delta reservoir, Field N, Russia // 6th Saint Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition on Geosciences 2014: Investing in the Future - 2014. - p. 669-673.
2. Rukavishnikov V. S., Belozerov B. V., Bochkov A. S., Mishina D. O. Depositional features of the middle jurassic formation of field N and their influence on optimal drilling schedule // 6th Saint Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition on Geosciences 2014: Investing in the Future - 2014. 2014 - p. 321-325.
3. Rukavishnikov V. S., Kondratjev A., Shakirzyanov L. N. Reservoir heterogeneity influence on hard-to-recover reserves development - A case study of Achimov Fm, Vingapur field // 6th Saint Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition on Geosciences 2014: Investing in the Future - 2014 - p. 775-779.
4. Rukavishnikov V. S., Sukovatiy V. A., Kuzmin S. Y. Analysis of possible geological reasons causing rapid rate decline - A case study of T field, Russia // 6th Saint Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition on Geosciences 2014: Investing in the Future - 2014 - p. 495-499.
5. Rukavishnikov V. S., Belozerov B. V., Malyshevskaya K. A., Podnebesnykh A. V. Integrated approach for identification of gas accumulation in PK1-3 formation of M field // 6th Saint Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition on Geosciences 2014: Investing in the Future - 2014 - p. 302-306

2016 6. Rukavishnikov V. S., Peskova D. N., Sizykh A. V. Evaluation the Value-of-Information (VOI) and Look Back Analysis During Modelling of the Exploration Works // 7th Saint Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition, 2016
7. Rukavishnikov V. S., Lezhnina M. I., Timirgalin A. A. Fractal Analysis of Hydrocarbon Accumulations for Field S Confined to Vyngapursky Bank // 7th Saint Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition, 2016
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