Перевертайло Татьяна Геннадьевна
Кандидат геолого-минералогических наук

Отделение геологии, Доцент

Тел.: 8 (3822) 60-63-80
Вн. телефон: 2931
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12 марта 2025 / Wednesday / Неделя четная
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Specialty: 25.00.06 – Lithology PhD thesis: Lithology, conditions of formation and reservoir properties of the Lower Cretaceous Ust-Tymskaya oil and gas area (for example, Gurarinsko-Sobolinoe field, Tomsk region) Research interests:

My areas of research are:

1. Paleogeographical reconstruction of sedimentary environments; 2. Conditions for formation of oil and gas source rocks and oil and gas fields$ 3. 3D geological computer modeling
Basics of IT for Geological Problem-Solving Course Description: Methodological guidance in computer modeling; basic concepts in geostatistics, analysis of geological data, modeling sedimentation processes and formation of sedimentary rocks; modeling petrophysic interaction; hydrocarbon reserve estimation in 3D models. Sophisticated computer tools- Petrel «Schlumberger» and domestic software (DV- geo) to design 3D geological models. Course Outline: 1. Major subject and interlink with other sciences. 2. 2-D modeling. Raster-mode and vector graphics. 3. Dynamic modeling of petroleum basins. 4. Design stages in 3-D geological models. 5. Data base and U-format. 6. Structure modeling. 7. Facies modeling. Pixalized and object modeling. 8. Petrophysical modeling. 9. Estimation of hydrocarbon reserves. 10. Geostatistics. Principles and geo-mathematical modeling methods. 11. Evaluation of geological risks. Laboratory Assignments: 1. Organization of project structure. Data loading. Design of 2-D surface to reflecting horizon. 2. Correlation of well cross-sections. Design discrete geophysical logging. 3. Mapping of total thicknesses based on geological logging data. Surface modeling of layer interfaces by gross maps. 4. Pinching and replacement of layers. 5. Fault modeling. Selection of mesh geometry for different layers. 6. Formation of horizons and zones. Layering. 7. Upscaling log. Quality control of upscaling log. 8. Data analysis. Analysis of histogram and variograms. 9. Object modeling. Interactive facies modeling. 10. Modeling of geophysical properties. 11. Reserve estimation to distinguish categories. Structure map (for reserve estimation). 12. Design and plotting geological maps. Graph export.
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