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20 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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2012-2016 Endangered Languages Documentation Programme, SOAS, UK: A member of the team: Major Documentation Project on the documentation of Eastern Khanty and Southern Selkup (principle applicants Prof. Balthasar Bickel, University of Zurich).

    2010-2011 Russian Fund for Humanities (research grant): Research project on Nominalizations in Siberian Languages (Khanty).

 2011 The Award of the Governor of Tomsk for research achievements.

2009 The Award of the Government of Tomsk Region for research achievements.

2008 Russian Fund for Humanities (research grant): Research work at the Russian State Library, Moscow (1 month).

2007 Endangered Languages Documentation Programme, SOAS, UK: Documentation of Vasyugan Khanty, Field Trip Grant (joint project with Dr. Andrey Filchenko).

2006 The Award of the Governor of Tomsk for research achievements: Member of the research group of the Department of Indigenous Languages of Siberia, Tomsk State Pedagogical University.

2004 Endangered Language Fund, USA: Documentation of Vasyugan Khanty (joint project).

2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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