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2013 Western Washington University, USA:
Research visit “A Typology of Possession”, 5 months (supervisor Prof. Edward Vajda).

2012 Institute of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan:
Research visit “Clause combining in Eastern Khanty”, 4 months (supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, supervisor Prof. Honore Watanabe).

2010 Dept. of Linguistics, University of Leipzig, Germany:
Research visit “Nominalization in Eastern Khanty”, 3 months (supported by DAAD, supervisor Prof.Dr. Balthasar Bickel).

2009 Technical University of Vienna, Austria:
Technical communication, designing new courses for university students in Tomsk, 5 months (supported by Erasmus Mundus).

2008 Dept. of General Linguistics, University of Helsinki, Finland:
Research visit “Designing multimedia databases of endangered languages”, 5 months (supported by CIMO, Finland, supervisor Prof. Pirkko Suihkonen).

2005 Dept. of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany:
Visiting student, research work on spatial relators in the Khanty language; Attending workshops and seminars at the Department of Linguistics and at the Department of Psychology, 4 months (supported by DAAD, supervisor Prof. Martin Haspelmath).

2003-2004 Dept. of Linguistics, University of New Mexico, USA:
Visiting student, research work on relative clauses in Eastern Khanty (supervisor  Prof. Joan Bybee); Auditing courses on Grammaticization, Field Work Methods, Morphology, 11 months (supported by the Fulbright Program). 

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