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15-21 April 2015  Interdisciplinary Center for Social and Language Documentation, Portugal
Participation in the summer school “Community-Driven Language Documentation” (attended classes on field methods, language revitalization, language documentation).

18-23 August 2014 Interdisciplinary Center for Social and Language Documentation, Portugal
Participation in the summer school “Community-Driven Language Documentation” (attended classes on field methods, language revitalization, language documentation).

2008-2011 Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Russia
Post-graduate research program «Comparative, historical and typological linguistics». Doctoral research project «A Theory and Typology of Possession in Endangered Uralic Languages».

6-10 April 2009 University of Pavia, Italy
Participation in the spring school “Standard and non-standard languages in Europe: future and vitality of dialects, language contacts and new linguistic scenarios in today's Europe” (attended lectures on sociolinguistics, language contact, language endangerment, dialectology).

June 2006 Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Russia
Thesis defence: “Means of linguistic representation of abstract notions in the Khanty dialects”. Degree «Kandidat Nauk» conferred 16 February 2007.

September 2006 Ecole Normale Supereur, Paris
Participation in the 4th Fall School in Linguistics and Cognitive Science EALing2006 (attended lectures and seminars on cognitive linguistics, morphology, syntax, 2 weeks).

2000-2004 Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Russia
Graduate programme in Philology/Specialization: Comparative, historical and typological linguistics. Graduate research project: “Means of linguistic representation of abstract notions in the Khanty dialects”.                         

1995-2000 Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Russia
Diploma of Higher Education with Honors. Major: English Philology; English and German languages.

1984-1994 Secondary School for Gifted Children (Academlyceum), Tomsk, Russia.
High School diploma.

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