Participation in conferences Participation in Russian and international conferences dealing with the problems of transfer processes, forest fires and ecology(since 1987 up to now). The 2-d International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, Liege (Belgium), 28-31 May, 2002; International Workshop on efficient techniques for numerical solutions of coupled PDE’s and applications to reservoir simulation, Tehran (Iran, 2003); Conference on "PDE Methods in Applied Mathematics and Image Processing" September 7-10, 2005, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria; 6th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions (Sessions 19-22), August 27-September 1, 2006, Dalhousie University, Halifax(Canada); 10th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical methods, Computational Techniques and Intelligent Systems(MAMECTIS), Corfu, Greece, October 26-28, 2008 (Plenary lecture); 1st International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, 7-9 September 2009, Brno, Czech Republic; 12th Seminar "NUMDIFF" on Numerical Solution of Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations, 14-18 September, 2009, Halle, Germany; 6th International Conference on forest fire research, 2010, Coimbra, Portugal; International Conference on Fire Behaviour and Risk (ICFBR), Alghero, Italy-October 4-6, 2011; 5th WSEAS International Conference on Natural, Hazards (NAHA '12), Sliema, Malta, 2012; 4th Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 1 - 4, 2013.