Educations and Diplomas Educations&Diplomas 2011 - Doctor of Science in Fluid mechanics Tomsk State University. The theme of my Thesis: «Mathematical Modeling of Initiation of Crown and Mass Forest Fires». 1995 - Candidate of Science in Fluid mechanics Tomsk State University (this degree is equivalent to a doctorate degree - Ph.D in Fluid Mechanics). The theme of my Thesis: “Mathematical Modeling of Crown and Mass Forest Fires Initiation With the Allowance for the Radiative - Convective Heat and Mass Transfer and Two Temperatures of Medium”. 1981 - Diploma as mathematics, Kemerovo State University. Positions held: 1981 - An assistant of the department of High mathematics, Kemerovo Technological Institution. 1982-1983 - A probability student of physical mechanics department of Tomsk State University. 1984-1987 - A post-graduate student of physical mechanic department of Tomsk State University. 1988-1995 - Senior research worker of physical mechanics department of Tomsk State University. 1995-1996 - Assistant Professor of physical mechanics department at the faculty of mechanics and mathematics of the Tomsk State University. 1997 - 2009 - Deputy Director and Lecture, Belovo Branch of Kemerovo State University. 2009 - 2012 – Lecture (Associate Professor), Belovo Branch of Kemerovo State University. 2012- up to now Professor, Tomsk Polytechnic University. Membership: Membership in Council on combustion and explosion of Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Science Member of American Chemical Society.