Scientific papers - Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. On the influence of radiation upon the ignition and burning of forest fuel materials. // Radiation heat exchange in technique and technology, Kaunas: IPTPE The Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR, 1987, P.145-146.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. The influence of a complex radiation-convective heat exchange upon the transition of a lower forest fire to an upper one. // Heat and mass exchange. International Forum, Minsk, ITMO Academy of Sciences BSSR, 1988,-P.47-49.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. On the transition of a lower forest fire to an upper one./Chemical physics of the processes of burning and explosion. The materials of the IX All-union Symposium on burning and explosion, Chernogolovka, DICP, 1989,-P.104-107.
- Perminov V.A., Shipulina O.V. On the numerical solution of some problems of the mathematical theory of forest fires // Physical gas dynamics of reacting media, Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1990,-P.158-169.
- Perminov V.A. On the ignition of the curtain of forest from the hearth of a lower forest fire//Physical and mathematical modeling of heat and hydrodynamic processes, Tomsk, Publishing House TPI, 1990,-P.98-104.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. The transition of the surface forest fire to crown one//The Physics of burning and explosion, ("Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves» in USA), 1990,V.26,N 6,-P.27-35.
- Perminov V.A. On the stationary spreading of upper forest fires//Gas dynamics. Publishing House TSU, Tomsk, 1991,-P.21-27.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A., Zyatnin V.I. Experimental research of surface forest fire transfer into crown fire // VINITI, N982-13-91, 6.8.91. Tomsk University, Tomsk, 1991. 30p.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of forest from Tunguska meteorite//Proceedings of SB of Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian physics and technique journal, 1992, 6.-P.112-117.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. Radiation and complex heat and mass exchange during beginning and propagation crown forest fire. In the book: Heat and mass exchange. International Forum, Minsk, ITMO Academy of Sciences Byelorussia, 1992,- P.83-88.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. Application of modified algebraic turbulent model for numerical solution of some problem of forest fire//International workshop on selected problems of solid propellant combustion and chemical gas dynamics.- Novosibirsk,Tomsk:1992.-P.18-19.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. The radiation and conjugation heat exchange and the upset and propagation crown forest fire.- Heat Transfer, v.25, N 5, 1993, P.679-684.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of forest phytocenoses state under the influence natural and anthropogenic catastrophes.- In the book: Mathematical modeling, Moscow, Publishing House Moscow State University, 1993.-P.167-185.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. On ignition of forest massifs by the action of Tunguska meteorite explosion//The Physics of burning and explosion, ("Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves» in USA), 1993, V.29, N 6.-P.8-14.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. Mathematical model and mathematical modeling of aerosols spreading as a result of forest fires.-In the book: "Computational technologies,V.3, N 8,1994.- ICT, SB of Russian Academy of Sciences,-P.72-86.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. An ignition of forest crown from the surface fire //Chemical physics, V.13, N 8-9, 1994.-P.202-210.
- Goldin V.D., Perminov V.A. About forest fire initiation under the radiation from meteorite destructing in atmosphere // Space protection of the Earth – 94 (SPE-94), Snezhinsk, 1994, (http://www.snezhinsk.ru/asteroids).
- Grishin A.M., Efimov K.N., Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of forest massifs ignition as a result of impact and technogenic catastrophes in quasi-one dimensional approximation.-In the book:" Computational technologies, V.4, N 13,1995.- ICT, SB of Russian Academy of Sciences,-P.156-176.
- Grishin A.M., Efimov K.N., Perminov V.A. Mathematical model of initiation of mass forest fires//Forest fires: initiation, spread and ecological impacts. Proceedings of the International Conference (24-30 July, 1995), Tomsk, 1995,-P.36-37.
- Grishin A.M., Kataeva L.Yu., Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of the of the recurring radioactive contamination from forest fire//Forest fires: initiation, spread and ecological impacts. Proceedings of the International Conference(24-30 July, 1995), Tomsk, 1995,-P.37-38.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. Ignition of forest massifs by radiant energy as a result of nuclear burst//Forest fires: initiation, spread and ecological impacts. Proceedings of the International Conference (24-30 July, 1995), Tomsk, 1995,-P.41-43.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of crown forest fire initiation // Forest fires: initiation, spread and ecological impacts. Proceedings of the International Conference (24-30 July, 1995), Tomsk, 1995,-P.43-44.
- Grishin A.M., Merzlyakov A.L., Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of radionuclide migration by the action of wind and forest fires//Forest fires: initiation, spread and ecological impacts. Proceedings of the International Conference(24-30 July, 1995), Tomsk,1995,-P.49.
- Grishin A.M., Efimov K.N., Perminov V.A. The radiation-convective heat exchange as a result of impact and technogenic catastrophes //Heatmasstransfer-96. Proceedings of III International Forum, Minsk, ITMO Academy of Sciences Byelorussia, 1996,- P.116-120.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. Peculiarities of mathematical modeling of conjugated heat- and mass exchange problems appearing in theory of forest fire//Proceedings of International Conference, Novosibirsk, 1996,P.229./li>
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of radionuclide migration by the action of wind and forest //2-d Siberian Congress on Applied and Industrial mathematics (INPRIM-96), Novosibirsk,1996,P.294.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. An ignition of forest massifs as a result of cosmic and technogenic catastrophes. //The Physics of burning and explosion, ("Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves» in USA) 1996, V.32, N 2, P.18-30.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. An ignition of forest massifs under the influence of high altitude radiant energy //The Physics of burning and explosion, ("Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves» in USA) 1996, V.32, N 5, P.108-115.
- Perminov V.A. Numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer at crown forest fire spread //13th International conference on fire and forest meteorology, Lorne, Australia, 27-30 October, 1996.
- Perminov V.A., Grishin A.M. Heat and mass transfer in a forest fire // Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, V.6, N 3, 1996.
- A.M. Grishin, V.A. Perminov, Ignition of forest crowns from a ground-fire source, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 22 (1001) (1996)
- Grishin, A. M. Perminov, V. A. Mathematical Modeling of the State of Forest Phytocenoses Under Natural and Man-Made Disasters // Computational mathematics and modeling selected translations from sbornik trudov- fakul'tet vychislitel'noi matematiki i kibernetiki, 1996, Vol. 7; N 1, p. 12-26.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of heat and mass transfer processes at forest fire//CHT-97 International Symposium on advanced in computational heat transfer, Cesme, 1997.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of heat and mass transfer processes at crown forest fire spread//2 -nd International Wildland Fire Conference, Vancouver, 1997.
- Perminov V.A. Numerical method in evaluating of heat- and mass transfer at the forest fire spread file // Mathematical and physical modeling of forest fire and their ecological consequences. Proceedings of International Conference, Irkutsk, 1997.-P.140-141.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of crown fire initiation taking into account the influence of wind// Proceedings of 3-d International Conference on Forest Fire Research, 16-20 November 1998, Luso-Coimbra, Portugal.- 1998.-P.419-431.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of forest crown ignition// The Physics of burning and explosion, ("Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves" in USA), 1998, V.34, N 4,-P.13-22.
- Perminov V. Numerical modeling forest fire spread initiation //9 –th Seminar on Numerical solution of differential and algebraic equations, Galle, Germany, 2000, P.105.-106.
- Perminov V.A. Numerical calculation of repeated radioactive pollution // Proceedings of International conference «Conjugate problems of mechanics and ecology », Tomsk: Tomsk State University. 2000.- P.44-45.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling forest fire spread initiation // Proceedings of the International Congress MODSIM –2001(Australia), Canberra, 2001. – P.977–982.
- Grishin A.M., Perminov V.A., Shipulina O.V., Porterie B. A general mathematical model and some results of mathematical modeling // VIII All Russian Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 23 – 29 August 2001, Perm (Russia).-P.211.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of radionuclide pollution of environmental as a result of forest fire // «Modern methods of mathematical modeling of natural and technogenic catastrophes », VI International Conference, Krasnoyarsk, 2001.-p.95-97.
- Perminov V.A., Golovanov O.A. Visualization of plane crown forest fire spread // Information systems of Kuzbass. Proceedings of Conference, Part 2, Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, 2001.-p.264 –271.
- Perminov V., Mathematical modeling of forest fire initiation //Proceedings of the 2-d International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, Liege (Belgium), 28-31 May, 2002.10p.
- Perminov V. Numerical Solution of Reynolds equations for Forest Fire Spread //Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2329, pp, 2002.-P.823-832.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of motor transport pollution // Proceedings V All Russian Symposium «Mathematical modeling and computer technologies», KIEL, Kislovodsk, 2002.-p.28 – 30.
- Perminov V.A. mathematical modeling of motor transport environmental pollution //News of Kemerovo State University, Issue 2(10), Kemerovo, 2002.-p.159-167.
- Perminov V. A numerical study of forest fire initiation//10th Seminar on Numerical Solution of Differential – Algebraic Equations, September 8-11 2003, Galle, 2003.-P.36-37.
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of forest fire initiation with the allowance for the radiative – convective heat and mass transfer and two temperatures of medium // International Workshop on efficient techniques for numerical solutions of coupled PDE’s and applications to reservoir simulation, Tehran (Iran), 2003. 25p.
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of crown forest fire initiation // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2667, 2003.-P.549-557.
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of large forest fire initiation //5th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, 16 – 20 November, Colorado Spring Resort in Orlando (Florida, USA), 2003.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of motor transport pollution // Information systems of Kuzbass, Proceedings of conference, 28 – 30 January 2003, Kemerovo, 2003.-p.232-234.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical model of calculation of motor transport pollution of environment in urban // News of Russian Academy of Encyclopedias(Ural regional department), 2003, № 1 – 2 (7 -8).-p.31-35.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of motor transport pollution in urban // Science and Education: Proceedings of V International scientific conference (26-27 February 2004): Part 4./ Kemerovo State University, Belovo Branch. – Belovo, 2004., p.562-564.
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of environmental pollution by the action of motor transport. Advances in Scientific computing and Application, Science Press, Being/New York, 2004.-P.341-346.
- Perminov V.A. A numerical study of forest fire initiation //European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS, 2004 P. Neittaanmaki, T. Rossi, K. Majava, and O. Pironneau (eds.) V. Capasso and W. Ja'ger (assoc. eds.) – Jyvaskyla (Finland), 24- -28 July 2004.
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of ignition of forest combustible materials as a result of action from surface forest fire // Eleventh International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), July 26-30, 2004.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of large forest fire initiation // The International conference on computational mathematics (Abstracts), Novosibirsk, June, 21-25, 2004.
- Perminov V. Mathematical Model of Environmental Pollution by Motorcar in an Urban Area // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, Vol. 3516, p.139-142.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of forest fire initiation // Proceedings of the 4-th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Cairo (Egypt), 2005, 6 p.
- Perminov V.A. A calculation procedure for study of forest fire initiation, Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, Ghent (Belgium) 30 May-2 June 2005,9 p.
- Perminov V.A., Haritonova S. Mathematical modeling of pollution transport in river //Science and Education, Proceeding of V Regional Conference, Belovo(Russia), 22.04.2005, p.347-352.
- Perminov V. Mathematical Modeling of Large Forest Fire Initiation // Seventh IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computing (Canada), 2005.
- Perminov V. Numerical solution of averaged Reynolds system of equations for forest fire initiation and spread // Abstracts of 3d SciCADE05, Nagoya (Japan), 20-23 June 2005. (http://www.math.human.nagoya.ac.jp/scicade05/). 64. Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of forest fire initiation with the allowance for the radiative-convective heat and mass transfer and two temperature of medium // Multiphase flows. Simulation, experiment and application, 31 May-3 June 2005, Rooendorf (Germany).
- Perminov V.A. A Numerical Solution of Reynolds System of Equations for Description of Forest Fire Initiation // Sixth Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, 2005.
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical model of forest fire initiation and spread // EnviroInfo 2005 (Brno), Informatics for Environmental Protection - Networking Environmental Information, Masaryk University Brno, Brno 2005. P.622-627. http://enviroinfo.eu/sites/default/files/pdfs/vol112/0622.pdf
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical Modeling of Environmental Pollution in Urban Canyon // EnviroInfo 2005 (Brno), Informatics for Environmental Protection - Networking Environmental Information, Masaryk University Brno, Brno 2005. P.500-506. http://enviroinfo.eu/sites/default/files/pdfs/vol112/0500.pdf
- Perminov V.A. Methods of mathematical modeling of environmental pollution processes // In the book: New information technologies in university education, XI International scientific-methodical conference, Kemerovo (Russia), 1-3 February, 2006, P.294-296.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of pollution transfer in river // In the book: Nedra of Kuzbass, V All-Russian scientific conference, 29-31 January 2006, Kemerovo (Russia), P.147-150.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of river pollution // Bulletin of Tomsk State University, 2006, N 16, P.98-101.
- Perminov V. A numerical solution of conjugate problem of forest fire initiation // Numerical treatment of differential equations, International Seminar NUMDIFF – Halle (Germany), September 4-8, 2006, P.46-47.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of crown forest fire initiation and spread // Proceeding of 6th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions, Vol. III (Sessions 19-22), August 27-September 1, 2006, Halifax (Canada), p.837-847.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of plane forest fire front spread // Computational Technologies, Vol.11, 2006, P.108-115.
- Mathematical modeling of crown forest fire initiation // 31st International Symposium on Combustion, August 6-11 2006, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 2006, p.168.
- Perminov V. A numerical study of forest fire initiation and spread // European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2006, V.Wesseling, E. Onate, J.Periaux (Eds), TU Delft, The Netherlands, 2006, p.268-277. http://proceedings.fyper.com/eccomascfd2006/documents/268.pdf
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of three-dimensional crown forest fire initiation // Bulletin of Tomsk State University, 2006, N 19, P.105-109.
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of forest fire initiation in three-dimensional setting / Abstracts of 2nd Behavior and fuels Conference, March 26-30, 2007, Destin(Florida, USA), 2007, P.62.
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical Modeling of Forest Fire Initiation in Three Dimensional Setting // The fire environment-innovations, management, and policy, USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-46CD, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Destin, Florida (USA), 2007, P.241-248.http://www.treesearch.fs.fed.us/pubs/28565
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of large forest fire initiation //The 6-th European Conference on Ecological Modelling, Conference proceedings, November 27-30, 2007, Trieste (Italy), 2007, P.409-410.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of crown forest ignition by surface fires // Computational Technologies, V. 13, N 5, 2008, P.99-105.
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical modeling of crown forest fire initiation .- New Aspects of Engineering Mechanics: Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS International Conference on Engineering mechanics, structures, engineering geology, Heraclion (Greece), July 22-24, 2008. Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering, A series of reference Books and Textbooks, 2008.-P.259-264.
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of forest fire initiation //Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical methods, Computational Techniques and Intelligent Systems(MAMECTIS), Corfu, Greece, October 26-28, 2008, P.143-148.
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical Modeling of Large Forest Fire Initiation.- Recent Advances in Fluid Mechanics, Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on FLUID MECHANICS (FLUIDS'09), Ningbo, China, January 10-12, 2009, P.69-74.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of forest crown ignition as a result of action from surface forest fire in three-dimensional setting // Russian Physics Journal. – 2009.-N 2/2.-P.144-148.
- Perminov V.A. Numerical solution of three-dimensional problem of crown forest fire initiation // Bulletin of Tomsk State University, 2009, 1(6), P.41-48.
- Perminov V. Numerical modeling of forest fire spread – Recent Advances in Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering&Environment, Proceedings of the 7th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment (HTE'09), Moscow, Russia, August 20-22, 2009, P.169-174.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical Modeling of Crown Forest Fire Initiation and Spread //Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, Brno, Czech Republic, September 07-September 09 2009, p.115-119. http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/CSSim.2009.56
- 88. Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical modeling of large forest fire initiation // Proceedings of “Georghe Vranceanu” International Conference on mathematics and informatics (ICMI), Becau (Romania), September 8-10, 2009, V. 19, N2, P.365-374.
- Valeriy Perminov, Two dimensional averaged mathematical model of forest fire spread // Continuum Mechanics, Fluids, Heat, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer(HMT’10), Cambridge, University of Cambridge, UK, February 23-25, 2010, P.167-172. http://www.scribd.com/doc/60830065/2D-Model-Forest-Fire
- Perminov V.A. Conjugate problem of forest fire initiation and spread in three dimensional setting // V European conference on computational fluid dynamics ECCOMAS CFD-2010, J.C.F. Pereira and A. Sequeira (eds), Lisbon, Portugal, 14–17 June 2010. 11 p. http://web.univ-ubs.fr/limatb/EG2M/Disc_Seminaire/ECCOMAS-CFD2010/papers/01531.pdf
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of forest fire front spread // Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE2010 Almeria, Spain, 27-30 June 2010, Editor: J.Vigo-Aguiar, Almería (Andalucía), Spain. 2010. P.1210-1221.
- Valeriy A. Perminov, Numerical modeling of forest fire initiation and spread // Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Modelling, Corfu Island, Greece, July 22-25, 2010. P.242-248.
- Valeriy Perminov, Three dimensional mathematical modeling of crown forest fires // 6th International Conference on forest fire research, D.X. Viegas (Ed.), Coimbra, Portugal, November15-18, 2010, P.162.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical model of radionuclide spread as a result of wind and forest fire actions// Fire safety, 4, 2010. P.83-90. http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=15318626
- Vladimir Agranat, Valeriy Perminov, CFD Modeling of large crown forest fires behavior // Wildland Fire Canada 2010, Kitchener, Ontario, October 5-7, 2010 CFD, 19 p. http://www.docstoc.com/docs/98799164/CFD_Wildland_Fire_2010.
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical Modelling of Large Forest Fires // International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment’s Sake, Fifth Biennial Meeting, July 5 – 8, 2010,Ottawa, Canada, David A. Swayne, Wanhong Yang, A. A. Voinov, A. Rizzoli, T. Filatova (Eds.) http://www.iemss.org/iemss2010/papers/S01_01A/S.01.01.Mathematical%20modelling%20of%20large%20forest%20fires%20-%20VALERIY%20PERMINOV.pdf
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of crown ignition by surface fire in three dimensional setting // International Conference "Modern Problems of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics: Theory, Experiment and Applications", devoted to the 90th anniversary of professor Nikolaii N. Yanenko, May 31 - 4 June 2011, Novosibirsk, P.43-44.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical Modelling of Crown Forest Fires Initiation and Spread // 7th European Conference on Ecological Modelling, 30 May-2 June 2011, Riva del Garda, Italy.-P.82-83. http://www.private-eye.it/ecem2011/BoAecemUSB.pdf
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical modeling of forest fire initiation problem in three dimensional setting (Plenary lecture) // International conference on energy, environment, devices, systems, communications, computers (eedscc '11) Venice, Italy, March 8-10, 2011. P.14-15.
- Perminov V. Mathematical model of crown forest fire initiation in three dimensional setting // Proceedings of Mediterranian Combustion Symposium, Chia Laguna, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, September 11-15, 2011.(http://www.combustion-institute.it/proceedings/MCS-7/doc/FE.html).
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of surface forest fire transfer into crown // Problem of environment monitoring: Proceedings of the XI All-Russian Conference, Kemerovo: Kemerovo State University, 2011. P.98-103.
- Agranat V., Perminov V., CFD Modelling of Large Crown Forest Fire Behaviour // PHOENICS News, 2010, P.9-10. (http://www.cham.co.uk/DOCS/newsletterautumn2010.pdf)
- Agranat V.M., Perminov V.A.CFD Modeling of interaction between crown forest fires and urban structures //International Conference on Fire Behaviour and Risk (ICFBR), Alghero, Italy - October 4-6, 2011, P.38-39.
- Perminov V.A. Crown forest fire initiation in three dimensional setting //International Conference on Fire Behaviour and Risk (ICFBR), Alghero, Italy - October 4-6, 2011, P.138.
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of forest fire spread // Open Journal of Forestry, 2012. Vol.2, No.1, p. 17-22.
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of crown forest fire spread // Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Natural, Hazards (NAHA '12), Energy, Environmental and Structural Engineering Series, /September 7-9, 2012. Published by WSEAS Press, Sliema, Malta. 2012.
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical modelling of forest fires propagation taking account of the firebreaks //Advances in Forestry Letters (AFL) Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2013.P.1-7.
- Valeriy Perminov, Three dimensional mathematical model of crown forest fires initiation // International Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2013, P.73-78.
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical modeling of crown forest fires with firebreaks // Fire behavior and fuels, International Conference, Sankt Petersburg, Russia, July 1-4, 2013. P.35-36.
- Valeriy Perminov, A Numerical Study of Crown Forest Fires Behaviour // Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Mechanics, Fluids, Heat, Elasticity and Electromagnetic Fields, Venice (Italy), P.120-125.
Book Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical modeling of forest fires: Initiation of crown and mass forest fires. - Saarbrucken (Germany): Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011. 292 p.
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of large forest fire initiation //5th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, 16 – 20 November, Colorado Spring Resort in Orlando (Florida, USA), 2003.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of motor transport pollution // Information systems of Kuzbass, Proceedings of conference, 28 – 30 January 2003, Kemerovo, 2003.-p.232-234.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical model of calculation of motor transport pollution of environment in urban // News of Russian Academy of Encyclopedias(Ural regional department), 2003, № 1 – 2 (7 -8).-p.31-35.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of motor transport pollution in urban // Science and Education: Proceedings of V International scientific conference (26-27 February 2004): Part 4./ Kemerovo State University, Belovo Branch. – Belovo, 2004., p.562-564.
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of environmental pollution by the action of motor transport. Advances in Scientific computing and Application, Science Press, Being/New York, 2004.-P.341-346.
- Perminov V.A. A numerical study of forest fire initiation //European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS, 2004 P. Neittaanmaki, T. Rossi, K. Majava, and O. Pironneau (eds.) V. Capasso and W. Ja'ger (assoc. eds.) – Jyvaskyla (Finland), 24- -28 July 2004.
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of ignition of forest combustible materials as a result of action from surface forest fire // Eleventh International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), July 26-30, 2004.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of large forest fire initiation // The International conference on computational mathematics (Abstracts), Novosibirsk, June, 21-25, 2004.
- Perminov V. Mathematical Model of Environmental Pollution by Motorcar in an Urban Area // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, Vol. 3516, p.139-142.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of forest fire initiation // Proceedings of the 4-th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Cairo (Egypt), 2005, 6 p.
- Perminov V.A. A calculation procedure for study of forest fire initiation, Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, Ghent (Belgium) 30 May-2 June 2005,9 p.
- Perminov V.A., Haritonova S. Mathematical modeling of pollution transport in river //Science and Education, Proceeding of V Regional Conference, Belovo(Russia), 22.04.2005, p.347-352.
- Perminov V. Mathematical Modeling of Large Forest Fire Initiation // Seventh IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computing (Canada), 2005.
- Perminov V. Numerical solution of averaged Reynolds system of equations for forest fire initiation and spread // Abstracts of 3d SciCADE05, Nagoya (Japan), 20-23 June 2005. (http://www.math.human.nagoya.ac.jp/scicade05/). 64. Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of forest fire initiation with the allowance for the radiative-convective heat and mass transfer and two temperature of medium // Multiphase flows. Simulation, experiment and application, 31 May-3 June 2005, Rooendorf (Germany).
- Perminov V.A. A Numerical Solution of Reynolds System of Equations for Description of Forest Fire Initiation // Sixth Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, 2005.
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical model of forest fire initiation and spread // EnviroInfo 2005 (Brno), Informatics for Environmental Protection - Networking Environmental Information, Masaryk University Brno, Brno 2005. P.622-627. http://enviroinfo.eu/sites/default/files/pdfs/vol112/0622.pdf
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical Modeling of Environmental Pollution in Urban Canyon // EnviroInfo 2005 (Brno), Informatics for Environmental Protection - Networking Environmental Information, Masaryk University Brno, Brno 2005. P.500-506. http://enviroinfo.eu/sites/default/files/pdfs/vol112/0500.pdf
- Perminov V.A. Methods of mathematical modeling of environmental pollution processes // In the book: New information technologies in university education, XI International scientific-methodical conference, Kemerovo (Russia), 1-3 February, 2006, P.294-296.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of pollution transfer in river // In the book: Nedra of Kuzbass, V All-Russian scientific conference, 29-31 January 2006, Kemerovo (Russia), P.147-150.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of river pollution // Bulletin of Tomsk State University, 2006, N 16, P.98-101.
- Perminov V. A numerical solution of conjugate problem of forest fire initiation // Numerical treatment of differential equations, International Seminar NUMDIFF – Halle (Germany), September 4-8, 2006, P.46-47.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of crown forest fire initiation and spread // Proceeding of 6th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions, Vol. III (Sessions 19-22), August 27-September 1, 2006, Halifax (Canada), p.837-847.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of plane forest fire front spread // Computational Technologies, Vol.11, 2006, P.108-115.
- Mathematical modeling of crown forest fire initiation // 31st International Symposium on Combustion, August 6-11 2006, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 2006, p.168.
- Perminov V. A numerical study of forest fire initiation and spread // European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2006, V.Wesseling, E. Onate, J.Periaux (Eds), TU Delft, The Netherlands, 2006, p.268-277. http://proceedings.fyper.com/eccomascfd2006/documents/268.pdf
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of three-dimensional crown forest fire initiation // Bulletin of Tomsk State University, 2006, N 19, P.105-109.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of surface forest fire transfer into crown // Problem of environment monitoring: Proceedings of the XI All-Russian Conference, Kemerovo: Kemerovo State University, 2011. P.98-103.
- Agranat V., Perminov V., CFD Modelling of Large Crown Forest Fire Behaviour // PHOENICS News, 2010, P.9-10. (http://www.cham.co.uk/DOCS/newsletterautumn2010.pdf)
- Agranat V.M., Perminov V.A.CFD Modeling of interaction between crown forest fires and urban structures //International Conference on Fire Behaviour and Risk (ICFBR), Alghero, Italy - October 4-6, 2011, P.38-39.
- Perminov V.A. Crown forest fire initiation in three dimensional setting //International Conference on Fire Behaviour and Risk (ICFBR), Alghero, Italy - October 4-6, 2011, P.138.
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of forest fire spread // Open Journal of Forestry, 2012. Vol.2, No.1, p. 17-22.
- Perminov V. Mathematical modeling of crown forest fire spread // Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Natural, Hazards (NAHA '12), Energy, Environmental and Structural Engineering Series, /September 7-9, 2012. Published by WSEAS Press, Sliema, Malta. 2012.
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical modeling of crown forest fires with firebreaks // Fire behavior and fuels, International Conference, Sankt Petersburg, Russia, July 1-4, 2013. P.35-36.
- Valeriy Perminov, A Numerical Study of Crown Forest Fires Behaviour // Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Mechanics, Fluids, Heat, Elasticity and Electromagnetic Fields, Venice (Italy), P.120-125.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modelling of forest fires propagation taking account of the firebreaks // Advances in Forestry Letters (AFL) Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2013.P.1-7.
- Perminov V.A. Three dimensional mathematical model of crown forest fires International Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Research, V.3, Issue 2, March, 2013, P.73-78.
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical modeling of crown forest fires with firebreaks // Proceedings of 4th Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, 1-4 July 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia. Missoula, MT: International Association of Wildland Fire. In: Wade, Dale D.; Fox, Rebekah L. (Editors); Robinson, Mikel) P. 332-342.
- Valeriy Perminov, A numerical study of crown forest fires behavior // Proceedings of the International Conference of Mechanics, Fluids. Heat, Elasticity and Electromagnetic Fields, Venice(Italy), September 28-30, 2013, P.120-125.
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of large forest fires initiation and spread // Recent Advances in Mathematics, Statistics and Economics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pure Mathematics-Applied Mathematics (PM-AM '14), Venecia, March 15-17, 2014, P.142-148.
- V.A.Perminov; E.L.Loboda and V.V.Reyno, Mathematical modeling of surface forest fires transition into crown forest fires ", Proc. SPIE 9292, 20th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, 929225 (November 25, 2014); doi:10.1117/12.2086618; http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2086618
- V.A.Perminov; E.L.Loboda and V.V.Reyno, Mathematical modeling of ignition of woodlands resulted from accident on the pipeline", Proc. SPIE 9292, 20th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, 929225 (November 25, 2014); doi:10.1117/12.2086618; http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2086620
- Perminov V.A. Mathematical modeling of the spread of contamination during fires in forest exposed to radioactive contamination // International Scientific Conference on Radiation-Thermal Effects and Processes in Inorganic Materials: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Tomsk(Russia), 3 - 8 November, 2014. Volume 81, P.238-248.
- Perminov V.A. Numerical Solution of Crown Forest Fire Spread Around the Forest Glade // Advances in Information Science and Computer Engineering, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February 22-24, 2015, P.35-41.
- Valeriy Perminov , Alexander Rumyantzev, Mathematical modelling of forest fire initiation as a result of pipeline accident // 3rd International Symposium on Energy, Challenging and Mechanics, 7-9 July 2015, Aberdin, Scotland, UK, 2015.
http://nscj.co.uk/ecm3/sessions/339_ValeriyPerminov.pdf - Agranat, V., Malin, M., Pioro, I., Abdullah, R., and Perminov, V.A., CFD Modeling of Supercritical Water Heat Transfer in a Vertical Bare Tube Upward Flow, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference On Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23), May 17 21, Chiba, Japan, Paper #1163, 2015.-11 pages.
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical Modeling of Forest Fires Spread in Three Dimensional Setting // RECENT ADVANCES in FLUID MECHANICS and THERMAL ENGINEERING, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics & Aerodynamics (FMA '15).Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and Environment (HTE '15).- Salerno(Italy),June 27-29, 2015.- P. 114-118.
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical simulation of the origination and propagation of crown fires in averaged formulation // Technical Physics, 2015, V. 60, 2, P. 180-187.
- Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical modeling of the impact of crown forest fire on buildings and structures // Proceedings of the 2 nd European Symposium on Fire Safety Science, EUC Cultural Center, Nicosia, June 16th – 18 th 2015, P.352-356.
- V.A.Perminov, Mathematical modelling of forest canopy ignition due to ruptured pipeline // Recent Advances on Mechanics, Materials, Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering, International Conference, Barcelona, April 7-9, 2015, P.132-137.
- Elina E.Soprunenko, Valeriy Perminov, Vladimir V.Reyno, Egor L.Loboda, Simulation of impact assesment of crown forest fires on boudary layer of atmosphere using software PHOENICS // Proc. SPIE 9680, 21st International Symposium Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, 96805Y (November 19, 2015), Tomsk; doi:10.1117/12.2205474
- V.M. Agranat, A.M.Goudov, V.A.Perminov, Mathematical Simulation of Contaminant Flow in Closed Reservoir // Journal of Physics Conference Series 671 01045,2016.
- A.M.Goudov, V.A.Perminov, Mathematical Simulation of Contaminant Flow in the Square Closed Reservoir // International Journal of GEOMATE,V.11, 26,2016, P.2558-2562.
- Valeriy Perminov Three Dimensional Mathematical Model of Crown Forest Fire Spread // Research & Reviews: Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, V.4, N 1, 2016.
- Vladimir Agranat, Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical modeling of the impact of wildfires on buildings and structures// Second International Workshop on Software Solutions for Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2016), 12-15 April 2016, Barselona, Spain.
- Vladimir Agranat, Valeriy Perminov, Multiphase CFD Model of Wildland Fire Initiation and Spread // Proceedings for the 5th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, April 11-15, 2016, Portland, Oregon, USA, Published by the International Association of Wildland Fire, Missoula, Montana, USA.
Books - Valeriy Perminov, Mathematical modeling of forest fires: Initiation of crown and mass forest fires. - Saarbrucken (Germany): Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011. 292 p.
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