Панькова Наталья Михайловна
Кандидат философских наук

Отделение социально-гуманитарных наук, Доцент

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I started to cooperate with Tomsk Polytechnic University in 1993 as a student of the Russian - German center. In 1998 after graduating from the Faculty of Philosophy (qualification - "Philosopher, professor of philosophy), I entered postgraduate program (1998 - 2002) of Tomsk Polytechnic University, Department of Philosophy, where I continued to work as an assistant (2001 - 2007), and since 2008 as a senior lecturer. During the work in the department, I was providing 9 training courses for students with a specialization in «social work", "Human Resource Management", etc. In 2005, I obtained a certificate of level IV, confirming the level of proficiency in a foreign language (German), and prepared a program "Aktuelle Problemen der Sozialwisenschaften" (Modern problems of the humanities ") for the course" Professional foreign language (German). " In 2007, my work as an assistant of the Department of Philosophy of Faculty of Humanities was highly appreciated and I was awarded with the Certificate of Merit. Programs of advanced professional training: In 2012 - "Philosophy of Education" (36 hours) at Tomsk State University In 2013 - «Formation of professional didactic competence by means of a foreign language (German)" (72 hours) at the Center for Professional Advancement for teachers in the Institute for Engineering Education, TPU. In 2014 - "The history of large-scale technology in XX century: a comparative approach" (12 hours), "Modern educational technologies and their use in the educational process of higher education institutions" (72 hours) at Tomsk State University In 2015 - "The concept of" LLL "(Life Long Learning ): innovative technologies in methods of foreign language teaching " (32 hours) at Tomsk State University The thesis research on "The innovative university model: complimentary of liberalism and pragmatism in education" is ready for defense I am the author and co-author of 40 scientific and 13 academic publications. The scope of my research interests are presented by such areas as the philosophy of education, organization methods of creative process in education, innovative approaches in education, hermeneutics.
Programs of advanced professional training
In 2012 - "Philosophy of Education" (36 hours) at Tomsk State University In 2013 - «Formation of professional didactic competence by means of a foreign language (German)" (72 hours) at the Center for Professional Advancement for teachers in the Institute for Engineering Education, TPU. In 2014 - "The history of large-scale technology in XX century: a comparative approach" (12 hours), "Modern educational technologies and their use in the educational process of higher education institutions" (72 hours) at Tomsk State University In 2015 - "The concept of" LLL "(Life Long Learning ): innovative technologies in methods of foreign language teaching " (32 hours) at Tomsk State University The thesis research on "The innovative university model: complimentary of liberalism and pragmatism in education" is ready for defense I am the author and co-author of 40 scientific and 13 academic publications. The scope of my research interests are presented by such areas as the philosophy of education, organization methods of creative process in education, innovative approaches in education, hermeneutics.