I conduct classes in multiple disciplines. I present to you the main features of these disciplines: "Philosophy", "Philosophical and methodological problems of science and technology", "Logic", "Research methods in social work", The organization Human Resource Management", "Principles of personnel policy and human resource planning"
Philosophical and methodological problems of science and technology
Management of the organization's personnel As a result of the development of the discipline, students should learn to apply professional knowledge in the field of psycho-social activities for personnel management (application of modern management practices, participation in the development, validation and implementation of projects to improve the system and technology management personnel and the organization as a whole, participation in planning and optimization of personnel structure), as well as ways to develop professional development, motivation and stimulation of personnel in the organization to achieve strategic and operational objectives.
Fundamentals of personnel policy and workforce planning Development of discipline "Fundamentals of personnel policy and workforce planning" aimed at formation of students such competencies as: the ability to apply professional knowledge in the field of social activity (participation in the development and implementation of social development plans of the organization, the formation of the staff, the management of business ethics, conflict and stress ), the ability to design documentation regulating labor activity of employees of different categories, the mastery of modern technologies of personnel management (recruitment, selection, admission and placement of personnel; socialization, counseling and labor adaptation of personnel.
Research methods in social work In studying the discipline, students should learn how to formulate a scientific problem, conduct research, using sociological methods to analyze and interpret the results correctly.
Logic As a result of the development of the discipline, students can get a basic understanding of the science of logic, to get acquainted with the basic stages of formation of logic, to master the methods of the translation natural language statements to the propositional logic language, to get acquainted with the rules of evidence and rebuttal.