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Main publications

  1. Nizkodubov G.A. Stereotypes of business cultures in Russia and the United States in the formation of intercultural professional and business communicative competence // Bulletin of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Issue 2 (92), Tomsk, 2010. p.150-153
  2. Nizkodubov G.A. The role and place of foreign language component in the professional competence of teachers of non-language universities. Current models in the teaching of foreign languages and cultures. In the context of quality management education // Materials of IV All-Russian (with international participation) conference. Volume 1, Moscow, 2010, p. 100-106
  3. Nizkodubov G.A. Internationally Recognised Cambridge CELTA Course (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults). World Culture and Language: look young researchers // Proceedings of X All-Russian scientific-practical conference in 4 parts. Part 1, Tomsk, 2010. p.132-133
  4. Nizkodubov G.A. Decomposition of certain types of oral business communication from the perspective of the theory of speech genres // Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Issue 1 (103), Tomsk, 2011. p.73-79
  5. Nizkodubov G.A. Culture shock in intercultural communication. Gorniy Altai: Issues of bilingualism in a multicultural space // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference Gorno-Altaisk 28-30 June 2011. p.124-125
  6. Nizkodubov G.A., Matukhin D.L. Model of tolerant interaction in professional activities of an adult aducator // Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Issue 10 (112), Tomsk, 2011. p.189-193
  7. Nizkodubov G.A. Diversification in definitions of the term “technology” // Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Issue 6 (108), Tomsk, 2011. p. 24-27
  8. Nizkodubov G.A. Cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue in globalizing world. Intercultural communication in the context of globalization and multiculturalism // Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. Saratov, 2011. p.162-167
  9. Nizkodubov G.A. The challenges of language assessment and revitalization. Issues of language and culture in the humanities // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Kemerovo, 27-28 October 2011). p.191-193
  10. Nizkodubov G.A. Creative potential of adult learners within student-centered learning. Creativity as a basic source of Ukrainian revival: Proceedings of the XI international scientific-practical conference, Kiev, 12-13 May 2011. - Kiev: NTU “KPI” 2011 - p. 176-177
  11. Nizkodubov G.A. Fundamentals of nonverbal communication. Tinchurin reading: Proceedings of the VI International Youth Conference, Kazan, April 27-29, 2011 - Kazan: Publishing House of the KGEU, 2011 - V. 4 - p. 88-89
  12. Nizkodubov G.A. Main stages of adult education in Russia. Topical issues of German philology and methods of teaching foreign languages: Materials of the XV Republican research and scientific conference in 2 volumes. V. 2, Brest, February 25, 2011. - Brest: Alternative, 2011 - V. 2 - p. 86-89
  13. Nizkodubov G.A. Structure of the professional competence of teachers of non-language universities // Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Issue (5), Tomsk, 2012. p. 49-53
  14. Nizkodubov G.A., Matukhin D.L. Competence based approach in the system of higher education // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Issue №1 (21), Tomsk, 2013. p. 83-89
  15. Nizkodubov G.A. Rate of foreign language (English) in the structure of adult education // Bulletin of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Issue №7 (135), Tomsk, 2013. p. 172-175
  16. Nizkodubov G.A. Planning and implementation of teaching a foreign language to adult learners // Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Issue number 9 (137), Tomsk, 2013. p. 127-130
  17. Nizkodubov G.A. Place and role of English language courses in continuing education // Proceedings of Samara Scientific Center RAS. Volume 15 number 2 (3), Samara, 2013. p. 625-628
  18. Nizkodubov G.A. Socio-psychological and language difficulties in learning English in the context of continuing education // Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Issue №8 (149), Tomsk, 2014. p. 62-65


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