Коваленко Наталья Александровна

Отделение иностранных языков, Старший преподаватель

Вн. телефон: 1826
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01 сентября 2024 / Sunday
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Scientific interests:
  • methods of teaching English
  • national history
  • adult education
Scientific research code and title of the speciality: 07.00.02 – national history

Topic of the thesis: Professors of Tomsk Polytechnic Institute (1945-1991)

Scientific advisor: V. Petrick, Doctor of History, professor of TPU

  • International Conference on Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences 2014. Case Study as an Active Method of Teaching Business English
  • International Conference on Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences 2014. Self-directed Learning through Creative Activity of Students
  • VIII International Conference of Students, Post-graduates and Young Scientists «Scientific Creative Work of XXI century», 2014, Krasnoyarsk.
  • XX International Conference of Students, Post-graduates and Young Scientists «Scientific Creative Work of XXI century», 2015, Krasnoyarsk.