Olga O. Stolyarova, Associate Professor of the Department of Electromechanical Plants and Materials delivers lectures and conducts practical lessons on the course "Calculation and design principles of electrical machines for bachelors full-time and part-time, lectures on the course "Electrical machines" for for bachelors part-time, and also conducts practical lessons for training in English for master students. Place of work is located in the Power Engineering Institute 131.
Olga O. Stolyarova, Associate Professor of the Department of Electromechanical Plants and Materials delivers lectures and conducts practical lessons on the course "Calculation and design principles of electrical machines for bachelors full-time and part-time, lectures on the course "Electrical machines" for for bachelors part-time, and also conducts practical lessons for training in English for master students. Place of work is located in the Power Engineering Institute 131.