The target: conscientious formation of personal career and staff management principles in the course of working practice, the creation of a specific life stage goals and understanding of value system, the conditions and attributes contributing to its achievement. During the course the problems, objects, purposes, and functions of philosophy of management are studied. The problems of management in the history of philosophy and in modern society. The modern concept of management. Management of an enterprise, the nature of an enterprise as a management object. Corporate culture and corporate behavior. Knowledge management of an enterprise. Philosophy of self-management. Self-management technology. Special attention is paid to management and self-management issues in the philosophy of Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, G.W.F. Hegel. The modern management concepts and the specificity of management activity in the modern world are studied. Kaizen and innovation. Japanese Management, Western management, Russian management: the specificity and comparative analysis. Enterprise management problems. A.A. Bogdanov and tectology. M. Weber and bureaucracy. Forms of organizations. Classification of organizations according to various criteria. The laws of an organization. The structure of an organization and management methods. The life cycle of an organization. Management technology. Expected results: 1. to organize team work in order to solve professional problems; 2. to be aware of one’s responsibility for making professional decisions; 3. to seek new development opportunities in uncertain situations; 4. to work out management theory in practice; 5. to justify and defend own opinions and conclusions in front of the audience of various professional orientation degrees; 6. to learn a useful self-management skills in extreme situations 7. to work out ways of effective time management in daily and professional activities