1990 - II-degree Medal for Participating in Development of Tomsk Polytechnic University
1994 - Award for Excellence in Public Education
1995 - Letter of Appreciation from the Administration of Tomsk Region
2002 - Letter of Appreciation from the Ministry of Education of Russia
2003 - Honorable Worker of Higher Vocational Education Title
2004 - Letter of Appreciation from Минобразования России
2006 – Silver Medal for Merits to Tomsk Polytechnic University
2006 - Prize Winner of Tomsk Region in the field of Education, Science, Health Care and Culture
2008 - Letter of Appreciation from the Administration of Tomsk
2009 - Prize Winner of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of Education
2010, 2013 – Honours Gallery
2013 - Professor of the Year
2013 - Prize Winner of Tomsk Region in the field of Education, Science, Health Care and Culture
2014 - II-degree Medal for Participating in Development of Tomsk Polytechnic University