24 января 2025 / Friday
/ Неделя нечетная
The scientific direction of the work is connected with the study of the specific behavior of inorganic powder materials under the influence of high temperatures and intense radiation fields, as well as the development of the scientific foundations of fundamentally new technological processes for the preparation and modification of materials. In the framework of the direction, a number of fundamentally new results have been obtained related to the development of the scientific foundations of technologies for the manufacture and modification of functional oxide ceramics with unique properties, which are important both in terms of the further development of the theory of the phenomena under study and in terms of their practical use. A number of phenomena were studied, such as high-temperature radiation-stimulated mass transfer, multiple acceleration of solid-phase processes, homogenization of the structure and phase composition of mechanically activated inorganic materials under high-temperature radiation effects. The scientific foundations of radiation-thermal technological processes of synthesis, sintering, modification of inorganic materials of electronic equipment are created.