Ливенцов Сергей Николаевич
Доктор технических наук

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He was born in 1955

In 1978 he graduated from FTF TPU specialty "Automation and Electronics", qualification "engineer-physicist" and joined the TPU as an engineer of the department of SRD 24 FTF. Since October 1981, the oktyabr1984 trained in internal postgraduate study. In November 2001, he completed his doctorate TPU.

In 1986 he defended his thesis, and in 2005 - a doctoral thesis on the specialty 05.13.06 "Automation and management of technological processes and works (the nuclear industry)." From November 1987 to head competition onyl "complex" Ministry of Medium Machine Building. Since January 1994 he has been working as an associate professor, and from 1 January 2005 he was elected to head the Department EAFU.

Since 1983, the contractor is responsible, and since 1989 scientific director of economic agreements on the subject of "Development of automated process control systems in the nuclear industry." With his active participation and leadership developed and put into operation a number of automation systems with real economic effect. At the present time - the supervisor of research contracts and the federal program grants.

During the work published in co-authorship of more than 150 scientific and educational works. He is a leading teacher of the courses "Digital control systems", "Electric automation elements," is actively working to establish a laboratory stands, preparation of new courses of lectures, practical and laboratory studies, training manuals and guidelines.

Constantly performing public work, was chosen chairman of Union Bureau FTF, in the current time period is TPU expert commission to review state-funded R & D, competitive works of young staff and students. Member of the Scientific Council's FTF and the Council on thesis.

Awarded "Excellence in the chemical industry", Diploma of Ministry of Atomic Energy, medals "IV Kurchatov "Rosatom" 100 years of trade unions "and" 100 years of TPU "Diploma of the winner of the competition of Tomsk region in the sphere of education and science, letters and TPU unions medal 2nd degree" For participation in the development of Tomsk Polytechnic University ".

From June 2010 to November 2011 - Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the Physico-Technical Institute .

Since 2015 Professor of the Department of Electronics and automation of physical plants (№24).

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