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20 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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  • Recruitment of prospective international students. 2014. Project Managers: Vyacheslav erokhin, the Director of IIE&LC, Ludmila Larina, the Deputy-Director of IIE&LC. Scope: recruitment of prospective international students, marketing research, development and im-plementation of new recruitment techniques, improvement of quality and quantity of inter-national students recruitment.
  • Benchmarking of International Educational Programs. 2013. Project Managers: Tatyana Pe-trovskaya, the Deputy Vice-rector of International Affairs, Ludmila Larina, the Deputy-Director of IIE&LC. Scope: Comparative analysis of educational programs in English me-dium of Tomsk Polytechnic university with the similar programs of the leading universities abroad, improvement of educational curriculums of educational programs of TPU.
  • Development and Improvement of Quality Management System of Institute for International Education. 2005-2006. Project Managers: Tatyana Petrovskaya, the Director of IIE, Ludmila Larina, the Deputy-Director of IIE. Scope: Analysis, Improvement and Optimization of Quality Management System of Institute.
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