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20 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Programs of qualification enhancement
  • 2014 - Program «Key Marketing Practices in the Sphere of International students’ Recruitment in the European Context»
  • 2015 - Program «Peculiarities of recruitment process of prospective students in Malaysia holding various qualifications (SPM, STPM, Foundation, A-level and Matriculation) and practical consideration of the plan for developing cooperation between TPU and Malaysian institutions of Higher Education, including recognition of the programs offered by TPU by the Ministry of Education Malaysia, Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA), Malaysian Board of Engineers and other respective bodies and organizations (80h.)», Russian Resources, Indonesia
  • 2015 - Program «International cooperation in education and research during the world geopolytical changes» (52 h), «Interscience», Russia.
  • 2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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