Кривобоков Валерий Павлович
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Научно-образовательный центр Б.П. Вейнберга, Заведующий кафедрой - руководитель научно-образовательного центра на правах кафедры

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Professor Valery Pavlovich Krivobokov was born on November 10, 1948.

He graduated Physics and Technology Department of Tomsk Polytechnic Institution on specialty “Physics and power systems” in February, 1973.

Valery P. Krivobokov worked as an engineer, junior researcher, senior researcher and head of science department of Physics and Technology Department of TPI during 1973-1983.

From November 1983 to April 2010, He was a head of Laboratory 23, from April 2010 to April 2012 - head of Nuclear Physics Institute (Institute of Physics and Technology of TPU, now).

Valery P. Krivobokov was a head of Hydrogen Energy and Plasma Engineering Department from 2004 to July, 2015. From September of 2015 to present - head of Experimental Physics Department of Institute of Physics and Technology of TPU. In 1978, Valery Krivobokov presented PhD thesis in the Ural Polytechnic Institute, doctoral thesis in 1992 at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. The professor degree has awarded in 1995. He has academic honors and is Honored Scientist of Russia, member of the Scientific Council of RAS on "Radiation Solid State Physics" and in three Dissertation Supervisory Committees. Valery P. Krivobokov is a known expert in the physics of radiation interaction with matter, problems of technique and technology of radiation treatment of solid-state materials, plasma deposition methods for surface modification. Author of over 300 publications and has 27 patents and invention certificates. Under his guidance, large series of studies on development of methodological basis for use of high-power nanosecond particle accelerators to determine the radiation resistance of materials and electronic products were carried in 1982-1983. These techniques applied in practice radiation tests of industrial enterprises. In recent years, Valery P. Krivobokov has focused in the development of new industrial technologies of surface modification using plasma magnetron discharge. Under his guidance, series of laboratory and industrial installations, which have received international recognition for their high efficiency and reliability, were developed. More than thirty units of this type were manufactured and introduced in industrial enterprises in Russia, the Czech Republic, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland and other countries. Laboratory №23, which is part of the Department of Experimental Physics, is a one of the leaders in Russia in this area. Valery P. Krivobokov devotes a lot of time to young scientists, graduate students, PhD students. Twenty employees under his guidance presented their PhD dissertations, 3 – doctoral thesis. The scientific activity of prof. Krivobokov has a significant impact on the development priorities of the Institute, which are related to the creation of new radiation and plasma technologies for processing materials.
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