Кривобоков Валерий Павлович
Доктор физико-математических наук

Научно-образовательный центр Б.П. Вейнберга, Заведующий кафедрой - руководитель научно-образовательного центра на правах кафедры

Тел.: 8 (3822) 60-64-18
Вн. телефон: 2317
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25 февраля 2025 / Tuesday / Неделя четная
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1.Fundamentals of radiation and plasma technologies.

Main purposes:

  • Initiates students into physical fundamentals of radiation and plasma material processing (RTP). They will know physics of phenomena, which are based on these technologies, methods of materials modification, principles of equipment selection and other important issues related to this topic.
  • Formation of base knowledge and skills to meet the challenges in the design and practical application of the RPT.
  • As part of the practical tasks of this educational module students are encouraged to perform calculations of parameters of processes of radiation and plasma treatment of materials. It provided for the development of technology scheme, process equipment and other tasks according to the profile of training in the framework of the basic educational program in the direction of 223200 - Technical Physics. In addition, it planned to hold workshops on the study of large course sections.

    2.Plasma and charged particle beams in nuclear and space industries.

    Main purposes:

  • Initiates students into physical fundamentals of radiation and plasma material processing to nuclear and space industries. They will know physics of phenomena, which are based on these technologies, methods of materials modification, principles of equipment selection and other important issues related to this topic.
  • Formation of base knowledge and skills to meet the challenges in the design and practical application of the RPT to nuclear and space industries.
  • As part of the practical tasks of this educational module students are encouraged to perform calculations of parameters of processes of radiation and plasma treatment of materials. It provided for the development of technology scheme, process equipment and other tasks according to the profile of training in the framework of the basic educational program in the direction of 16.04.01 - Technical Physics.

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