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Abstract of the course “Innovations marketing” Learning the course “Innovations marketing” has an important practical meaning and seems actual nowadays due to the necessity of using the achievements of a scientific progress in various fields. In the context of a rapidly changing external environment companies should use modern innovations marketing tools that could help them maintain competitiveness and choose perspective development directions. During the study of the course students gain knowledge of innovations marketing; skills in highly effective market communications and business management of innovative companies, as well as the ability to use appropriate managerial tools for successful commercialization of innovations. Course main objectives are: familiarization with the basic features of adaptation a traditional marketing tools for forming a marketing policy in companies working in high-tech and knowledge-intensive business sectors; acquisition of knowledge and skills required to develop marketing strategies that let innovative companies operate and evolve successfully at the innovations market. The study provides the following tasks: Formation of the marketing mix taking into account the specificity of innovative companies industry Identify market’s existing and potential requirements for high-tech products and services enabling the company to occupy market niches and create a demand for a new products; Select promising target segments to promote innovations; Develop the commodity and brand portfolio of the innovative company; Create and substantiate strategic and tactic marketing plans providing the innovations development and promotion; Select pricing methods for new goods and adapt prices for current situation Create promotion mix for innovative products Formation of the innovative products sales system based on the selected marketing strategy; All-stage marketing support for innovation products Combine marketing plan and chosen innovation strategy The course assumes reaching the following goals: reveal the idea of organizational behavior’s current status and trends; explore the possibility of developing organizational systems projects that concentrates on man and his needs; explore the methods describing employee’s and groups behavior; receive behavior management skills of the individual and the group in accordance with the criteria of organizational effectiveness As the result of learning students supposed to: KNOW: principles and objectives of innovations marketing;  innovation marketing management system;  methods and the specifics of conducting market research on high-tech markets  highly effective tools of communication formation in promoting innovation in the high-tech markets;  modern promotion technologies for innovative products and technologies;  particular market relationships between the different actors of innovation activity KNOW HOW TO: evaluate social information; plan and carry out their activities based on the results of this analysis; apply modern economic methods that improve using of the borrowed resources for scientific and industrial production research efficiency; analyze the competitive environment in industry, consumers behavior on different markets; evaluate the competitive advantage of innovative products and services; carry out analysis of the industry (market) using economic models; set goals and formulate the tasks connected to the implementation of professional functions in the field of innovations marketing; develop the structure of product brands including high-tech ones; position new products based on their competitive advantages participate in the technological and product innovation implementation apply the principles of dynamic organization and rationalization; OWN: skills of holistic marketing approach to the analysis the problems of innovations commercialization; market research skills on high-tech markets and methods and analysis its results; methods of internal and external environment analysis to identify its key elements to assess their impact on the innovative organization; The shorten content of the course " Innovations marketing": Topic 1: Marketing and Innovation The concept of "innovation" definition. Classifications of innovations. The innovations place and role in the enterprises activity. The essence of the “innovation marketing” concept. The principles and functions of innovations marketing. The transformation of the concept of product innovation in the economy: the definition of science, technology and high-tech products. High-tech services and its classification. The high-tech markets and markets of high-tech products and services. Specifics of marketing in the innovation sphere. Section 2: The innovation cycle. The stages of the innovation cycle. The concept of the innovation cycle. The stages of the innovation cycle. The model of the innovation cycle. Types and duration of the innovation cycle. The innovation cycle and the life cycle of the goods or services. The life cycle of innovation project. Section 3. Commercialization of technological innovations The concept of the innovations commercialization. Features of the technological innovation commercialization. Stages of the commercialization of technological innovation. Problems of the technological innovation commercialization. The role of marketing in the process of commercialization. Topic 4. Marketing research on high-tech markets The essence of the concept and types of marketing research. Classification of marketing research. The process of marketing research in the B2B and B2C markets. The specifics of the marketing research process on high-tech markets. The world patent system and technology transfer. Patent research as a step in the process of marketing research of innovative products. Research preferences and expectations of consumers. Research of new products (technology) and their markets. Features of the process of marketing research at different stages of the innovation project lifecycle. Topic 5. The process of creating a new product Generating new product ideas. The selection of ideas. Heuristic methods. Role Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) in innovation. Forming and testing a new product concept. Possible competitive advantages of the new product from the perspective of consumer preferences. Levels of new product innovation. Analysis of the production and marketing opportunities. Development of a new product. Testing a new product in the market conditions. Test marketing. Goods modernization. Topic 6. Market segmentation and positioning of a new product Stages and levels of market segmentation. Performance criteria and attractiveness of the segments. Market coverage strategy. The concept and process of positioning products. Selection of attributes and positioning strategy for a new product. Future competitive advantage. Construction of positioning maps. Positioning errors. Dealing with stereotypes. The process of perception of the product by the consumer. Perception barriers of a new product. Stages of the novelty perception process. Factors affecting the perception of the process of innovation. Topic 7: Marketing mix for a new product The principles and methods of commodity portfolio formation. Development of the brand: the brand platform and its components. The role of the trademark in the promotion of innovation. The process of developing a trademark. Development of a new product packaging: the marketing tool. Formation of a complex service and after-sales services. The pricing policy for high-tech goods. Methods of pricing new goods. The choice of pricing strategy and price adjustment tool. The mix to promote innovation. The specifics of the goods promotion on the B2B and B2C markets. Marketing communications tools for high technology and technologically sophisticated products. Forecasting and construction of marketing system for innovative products and services. Marketing strategies for new products. Formation of demand for new goods. Topic 8: Innovative and marketing strategies. The concept of innovation strategy. Types of innovative strategies. The content of the innovation strategy. The process of developing an innovation strategy. Strategy of innovation for companies abroad: the experience of developed countries. Types of marketing strategies: portfolio strategy, growth strategy, competitive strategy. Functional and instrumental marketing strategy. The selection and the formation of a strategy for the promotion of a new product on the local, regional, national and global markets.
Annotation of the course "Innovations marketing"
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