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Management Department, associate professor
1990 - Graduated from TSU Geological-geographical faculty.
2001 – Graduated from TSU Faculty of Economics and Finance, “Finance and credit” specialty
2009 – Defended the thesis for Candidate of Economics degree
2016 – was awarded the scientific title of “Associate professor” in a scientific specialty “Economics and management of national economy”
Professional experience in education field:
Developed and currently teaching the following courses: "Marketing", "international marketing" "Marketing communications, "Marketing research", " Innovations Marketing ", "Innovation management", "territorial Marketing", "Business communication", "Innovative project management bases”
The area of professional and scientific interests:
Marketing in branches and spheres of activity. Research of organizational-economic aspects of scientific integration and cooperation organizations, high-tech industries and universities; organization and management of regional innovation clusters; project and process management in enterprises (organizations), the study of motivational processes in scientific-educational complex and innovative sector of the economy.
Extra information:
The author has more than 45 scientific articles (including collaborations), among them there are 2 monographs, 19 articles published in refereed journals recommended by the higher attestation Commission: "Innovation", "Economy and management", "Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University", "Vestnik of Tomsk state University", "Creative economy".