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06 февраля 2025 / Thursday / Неделя нечетная
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I graduated from secondary school №6 of Yurga, Kemerovo region in 2002.       
I entered the Tomsk Polytechnic University in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in summer 2002. Specialty machine tools and systems. Interdisciplinary exam in the field of training passed the assessment is excellent. Run, and defended the diploma on "Modernization of the lathe" Universal "," to assess excellent.23 June 2006 awarded the degree of Bachelor of engineering and technology in the direction of "Technology, equipment and automation engineering industries."       
I enrolled in the master's degree of engineering at Tomsk Polytechnic University in 2006.Spetsialnost dynamics and acoustics machine tools interdisciplinary examination towards preparing the assessment passed perfectly. Run, and defended the diploma on the theme: "Analysis of the vibrational spectra of industrial equipment" to assess the excellent. June 25, 2008. awarded the degree of master of engineering and technology in the direction of "Technology, equipment and automation engineering industries."       
In 2006 he graduated from the military department of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Assigned the rank of lieutenant.       
In 2008 he enrolled in graduate school out of work in the specialty 01.02.06 "Dynamics and strength of machines, devices and equipment." 2011 was dismissed, due to the end of the study period.

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