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Кандидат технических наук

Отделение материаловедения, Доцент

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24 января 2025 / Friday / Неделя нечетная
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Provides disciplines implemented in the framework of the basic educational program in the direction 12.04.02 "Optical engineering" for bachelor and master students: 1. Bachelor program: 12.03.02 Optical engineering Qualification of the graduate: Bachelor Course: Design of lighting installations. Course project Annotation: The course "Design of optoelectronic devices" is related to the development of light and optical projects, the choice of optimal software for projects, rationally determine the electrical and photometric characteristics of the lighting fixtures and light sources, carry out analysis of the calculations. The development of the discipline is to generate knowledge of the general principles and stages of designing optoelectronic devices, learning the rules of working with GOST, practical skills of designing optical devices using modern CAD systems. 2. Master's students: Master program: 12.04.02 Optical engineering Qualification of the graduate: Master Course:The aesthetics of the lighting, illuminated advertising and design Annotation: Course covers the basic principles and practice of lighting.Conceptualizing and designing a quality lighting environment requires an understanding of howdaylight, luminaires, electrical sources, and control systems will affect people and the built environment. 3. Course: Energy saving and audit lighting Annotation: The course is designed to explore the general principles for the design of optoelectronic devices, tasks and synthesis procedures, analysis and optimization of the design, the development of the functional structure of optoelectronic devices, standardization and unification design standard parts and components of optoelectronic devices , layout techniques, computer-aided design, CALS-technology.
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