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24 января 2025 / Friday / Неделя нечетная
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Research areas:

1. Systems combined light;

Key words: daylighting, light pipe, energy balance, top light, energy saving

Annotation: Areas of this research is devoted to developing of conceptual approach to the problem of optimizing the energy costs associated with installations of artificial and natural lighting. The solution proposed to solve complex problems using mathematical equations taking into account factors constitute the environment of human life - heat, light and air modes. The basis for optimization of power consumption in ensuring the room of maximum light comfort is using a combination of natural light with minimal heat loss. The system of natural lighting is based on side windows with optimal sizes and hollow tubular light pipes for overhead lighting.

2. Indoor and outdoor lighting;

Key words: artificial lighting, design, fundamentals of lighting

Annotation: Conceptualizing and designing a quality lighting environment requires an understanding of howdaylight, luminaires, electrical sources, and control systems will affect people and the built environment.

3. Laser scanning technology;

Key words: 3D models, terrestrial laser scanning, digital model

Annotation: Terrestrial Laser scanning is a new method for surveying tasks, which allows to acquire easy and fast complex geometric data from buildings, machines, objects etc.

In contrast to traditional geodetic instruments (e.g. total stations, GPS), where the performer is forced to choose the characteristic points of the object for subsequent display, laser scanning an object is automatically register the coordinates of points on its surface, at a predetermined pitch. Moreover, the scanning speed can reach more than 1 million points per second, and the density of the resulting "point cloud" and hundreds of thousands of points, on 1 sq. meter. The accuracy of determining the coordinate points, depending on the model of the scanner and the distance varies from a few millimeters to a few centimeters.

Terrestrial laser scanning is used for a wide range of tasks, from creating measuring drawings and 3D models to perform classical surveying of complex industrial facilities.

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